View Full Version : Here's one full of strange goodies...

26th December 2008, 11:48 AM
It started out from a dream that I observed and I thought it was a music video. There was either a hunched figure with a long neck and a human head protuding from it. Reminded me a bit of the movie "Lost in Space" - the monster in the later half. Or of a gargoyle. I was watching this from the side, and this figure was speaking. Or singing. I was not paying attention, I was bored and hoped this would be over soon.

The next sequence started with a man in a red-in-red suit. Reminded me of Marilyn Manson - he wears such a suit in "Mobscene", I guess. The hair was a mess. He looked like the singer of "The Cure", actually. He was explaining something. Then the scene started.

It was set in a tower. The tower was built in layers, and reminds me now of the Tower of Babel. Back then it reminded me of a scene from "What Dreams May Come" - where his daughter in the afterlife helped build this marvellous city that looked like something from her bedroom. This tower suddenly looked like it was welded from copper, the outline of a tower, and the man looked like a cutout on a stick.

He was raised into a scene on a higher level from below, you could see the stick. I was aware that was the second-highest level. In this room was also the devil - classical completely in red, with hooves, horns and a trident. They were fighting, and I though "You better watch out, he's gonna get you." In fact, the battle did not seem to dramatic or going anywhere. He was even explaining stuff while it was going on.

I had the feeling that the next level, the top level, would be God. Or union with God. I had trouble keeping the roles apart. I was thinking of the red guy as the devil, and thought, "Oh no, the devil can't ascend there."

Then the human actor descended out of that 2nd level. The scene faded, and he turned into an icon. Like the signs at the airport, that show you where the toilet is. But this was an icon stick-figure looking like that famous sketch by Leonardo DaVinci:

(from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Da_Vinci_Vitruve_Luc_Viatour.jpg)

Now imagine that as a yellow stick figure. It was in a yellow square, rotating in space, like with a galaxy as background. It spun into a place where there were other symbols like it. And there was an announcement "This is the fourth symbol" (I think he also said "of Man"?) and then directed at me "Just like you!"

I woke up.

Interpretation help needed. I got some, but will post it later.


26th December 2008, 07:41 PM
I had the feeling afterwards that this was similar to oneness and duality. The battle with the devil - an extreme symbol. The next up on the ladder union or God. the rising up and down between levels has to do with "ascending" in some high. Levels of consciousness.

I don't know what the significance of most stuff in this dream was, though. Too bad I don't remember pretty much anything of all those monologues going on. Maybe I did not understand them in the dream either? The last announcement in the dream seemed awfully dramatic.

The last part seemed like a play or a stick-figure theatre for kids, but also in a way real in other scenes.

I wonder why that guy was wearing a red tuxedo. Was he really to represent "The Cure"? Why was he and the devil both wearing red? I had trouble keeping them apart even while dreaming. While observing I kept mixing things up.

The battle seemed to be reminiscent of the Yin/Yang duality. I thought about that short after waking up, playing in my mind with the topics of union and duality.

The devil might be a darker aspect of our selves. At first he seemed impressive, but the battle was not going much anywhere. The guy was fending him off with ease - more like keeping that aspect in check?

Anybody have any ideas about the symbols here?


27th December 2008, 04:04 PM
While I was reading it I kept thinking that the dream symbolizes the ability of man to contain the "Goodness" (higher aspects) of God, and the "Badness or wrongness" of the devil as an archetype, and the idea came to me that the puppet show referred to the indication that all the appearance of good/bad (duality) is an illusion (or a simulation) of this duality/variability.
The sticks didn't come from the top, but from the bottom, and you had the insight that the baser nature can't ascend yet man can, thus losing it as he ascends. (Not that 'losing it' is a good description, but you get the idea). Man seemed to be in the middle and also was shown as a symbol (the icon).
That's all I got.

27th December 2008, 06:55 PM
That's good stuff you got there! 8)


5th February 2009, 03:42 PM
I have a strong overlapping between this and my new favorite song - "The Gates of Delirium" by Yes.

I came across the song when working with the book "Music and the Soul" (more here (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=13806)) and it was defined as a song that passes through several dominant centers.

The song starts with sixth center (third eye) music - magical and visionary. Then the song moves into the crisis point where sixth and seventh (crown) center overlap - the fear of the alien and the bigger consciousness of the soul. This crisis point is called "Irrationality". The music gets more and more discordant, driven, distorted.

Then, at the end it ascends fully into the seventh center and finally into the 8th (transpersonal) center. First a triumphant melody line and then a timeless piece of beauty.

Now, this song depicts something. It is in fact a rebellion and oppression, kind of a spiritual rebellion. The "irrational" part depicts a big battle with demons and therefore negativity. This predominates the song. Then at the end it ascends out of that struggle into the triumphant melody (coming into alignment with the soul by overcoming negativity?) and finally dissolving into beauty (coming into alignment with Source?).

Now match this up to my dream. There's a struggle. The struggle is with evil/the devil/negativity. I knew that beyond on the next level was God, and that the evil cannot ascend there. This matches up fully with the story behind the song. At least to me that seems so.

Also, within the "struggle":

Listen should we fight forever
Knowing as we do know
Fear destroys?

This references this ongoing struggle I perceived in the dream - it seemed to go nowhere.

Call me strange but I find this whole match significant. :)


5th February 2009, 09:01 PM
Actually the sixth center part of the song is like a whole description of why the fight happens. It's like an introduction, a prologue. Now that is what "The Cure" guy did before the scene with the tower started - establishing what's going on.


10th February 2009, 08:45 PM
I never before saw pictures of Yes - any of the members. Funny, really, that in one of the few available pictures on Wikipedia the keyboarder wears a red-in-red suit. ;)

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/Yes_-_In_The_Present_Tour.JPG(from: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/Yes_-_In_The_Present_Tour.JPG)
