View Full Version : Entertaining interview with skilled projector

24th December 2008, 04:18 AM
This is a really cool interview between Dick Sutphen and a very skillful astral projector called Susan Austin Taylor. So, if you've got some ironing to do or a free hour or something, I recommend you have listen.


27th December 2008, 03:50 AM
This is so interesting! Thank you for sharing! :D

27th December 2008, 09:53 PM
You're welcome. :D

Neil Templar
8th January 2009, 04:57 PM
Fascinating listen, cheers! :D

12th June 2009, 06:08 AM

Here's the latest interview. I highly recommend you have a listen. I love Susan's experiences and her way of interacting in the astral! I wonder if I could convince her to visit at AD for a bit.

12th June 2009, 02:25 PM
Comment on the OP: That clinches it, I'll never ever try to make an astral double. I've seen the tech but since I do it differently I've never tried it, and now I know why. How creepy!

22nd November 2009, 04:23 AM

A new interview.

3rd January 2010, 10:58 AM
thank you anna

8th June 2010, 08:26 AM
Latest interview: http://contacttalkradio.soundwaves2000.com:8080/ctr/dicksutphen060210.mp3

Susan Austin Taylor tells a story of doing a retrieval at the request of deceased man who cannot convince his brother that he has died.

She also relates pulling a friend out of body and getting her lucid. She reveals, after experiences pulling her husband out, that when someone is very, very tired, that it’s hard to get them lucid and that they’re very likely to just snap back. She also talks about astral visits from one of her relatives and her student.

In addition, she talks about attending dreamstate lessons and how a class she attended sounded like a foreign language to her because it was too advanced for her. She believes that even if you don’t remember these lessons, you bring information back as intuition.

Susan also discusses premonitions and her feelings regarding pre-destined events as well as what is coming in the near future.

8th June 2010, 03:13 PM
In addition, she talks about attending dreamstate lessons and how a class she attended sounded like a foreign language to her because it was too advanced for her. She believes that even if you don’t remember these lessons, you bring information back as intuition.

regardless of spoken language or how it is written symbolically, for every letter or pictorial representation is symbol/s; the 'seer' understands. this based in a consciousness which within are the 25 basic conceptual sounds (5 5's) bearing all which would in the myriad of variances seem to lose their origin of inflections/keys. the 'seer' is the intuiting agent. but like she has said, we in the myriad applying our secondary experiential limitedness would struggle in bringing it back.

Susan also discusses premonitions and her feelings regarding pre-destined events as well as what is coming in the near future.

i would here ask you or anyone else, "in your life thus far, has the road in front of you ever failed to rise up and meet you?".

wherefrom does it rise up, if not from your own anticipating forethought of being?

finding ourselves forgetful of this it would seem as if we are stepping out into foreign affairs that have little or nothing to do with our secondary thoughts about it. one thinking in the present moment supplied of forethought forgets that its arrival is their's, and in it they do not find themselves met, but rather, misunderstand it as being in their way as an obstruction to what ever they'd rather be doing.

if one understood how it arrived as a forethought, then surely too, they'd be filled with premonitions based in the anticipations. the future is ever NOW, arriving in the present moment, of the forethought upheld and set up by you as anticipatory 'seer'.

from where does one gather for the interpolations within? well..., from the 'extra'polations from without.

which came first. the 'inter' or the 'extra'? of course, the 'inter' came first, the being within you before ever a thought of 'extra' could arise.

we misunderstand the 'extra' as being first, and ourselves become berated as the secodary reactionary agent pummeled to death by this 'extra'.

reverse it, and be the intuitive seer that has ever been you seeing out your senses from sentient being.

for myself, and i mean no disrespect to 'Susan', her telling is a glut/matters of 'extra'polations that have yet to be secondarily understood from the primary 'inter'polative substance of her true being as the seer centered in it and wherefrom all of it is in its arrival returning to that within center.

everyone, each is a 'seer', if they'd but understand the substance underlying all matters.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk9G7OyK ... re=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk9G7OyKwLM&feature=related)


9th June 2010, 09:10 AM
She was asked and she answered truthfully, that is all. Sometimes the road doesn't rise up to meet but that's okay, we all go on. She talked too of making the future, remember?

9th June 2010, 02:43 PM
She was asked and she answered truthfully, that is all. Sometimes the road doesn't rise up to meet but that's okay, we all go on. She talked too of making the future, remember?


i think you mis-took my intent, but that's ok. she doesnt require a defense, as i wasnt chopping her up on the block.

however, in support of her reasoning, i cant imagine anyone that would not resonate to her telling of it. i am merely pointing at the need for releasing the "I" in it's possessive tense, and freeing 'what is' as do/did/done....finished/finito.

versus the old standby intellectual take of trying to know and therefrom 'making' anything.

suffice to say, "in every moment I am made", or , "it is ever I remaining to be".

this is a common theme for folks, to defend what they resonate to, even i do it sometimes. but i will look within for what has been offended, for surely resonation of being requires no resignation in our being.

it was only in respect for you BeeKeeper that i offered reply, in addition to. otherwise i would not have bothered. i can only offer here, that having learned the hard way, i dont jump on anymore bandwagons, but i still like to listen to the music as such a wagon passes on by.

where? i often ask, is such a band wagon headed, when in fact there is nowhere but right here in this given present moment to be...., or not to be.

though, no one person is with any certainty a one man show. yet, with certainty of what god awful foolishness one person can get themself into, it is very natural that in that understanding one would not pile in where 'persons' are clearly in their foolishness headed.

in that, there is no disrespect intended to anyone, just understanding in kind, being human and all that.

the road unceasingly is, even if in fleeting "ok" thought one might choose not to see it. they will merely, in their "ok" choice, endure the catching up of themself in it, sooner or later; and like you said, "go on".

let us remember that what we find 'controversial' in others is merely sign of our own stirred controversy within.

i belong to the uni-verse where all contro-verse-ials must 'stand down' within that there might from disharmony come 'rest' in harmony. thus standing down "I" under stands.

life is sweet 'in ALL of' its 'before' 'gifted' provisions, though bitterly 'taken', toward such sweet surrender 'after' ALL.


9th June 2010, 10:55 PM
No sweat. :wink:

3rd April 2012, 09:18 AM
Here's a recent interview: http://contacttalkradio.soundwaves2000.com:8080/ctr/dicksutphen032112.mp3 The first story is very interesting. She encounters 4 deceased soldiers who don't know what to do next.

Sutphen talks about spirit possession a little too.

23rd January 2016, 06:56 PM
Over the last 3 mths or so i have been hearing the voice of Dick Sutphen in my internal head space.
Approx. 18 yrs ago i bought a few audio products & a video by him.

The V.H.S video was my favourite one, it was called Un-stress.

Video Hypnosis- Plus audio & video subliminal Suggestions

Ultra-Relaxation Programming
To be at Peace with Yourself & Your Circumstances

Now that i have my new second-hand V.H.S. video player, i will be able to revisit, see / hear this again :heart:xxx

some words he spoke that i have been hearing just lately:

a lightness of being
that's right
Deeper, deeper

24th January 2016, 09:48 AM
When I press the link to the interview, I get a message that the server requires a username and a password. Does anyone else get that?

24th January 2016, 10:29 AM
When I press the link to the interview, I get a message that the server requires a username and a password. Does anyone else get that?

Alas, this thread is ten years old. Things change :?

24th January 2016, 11:10 AM
Alas, this thread is ten years old. Things change :?
Lol, makes sense :thumbsup:

16th July 2016, 11:59 PM
Thanks will give it a listen

17th July 2016, 09:35 AM
I did some sleuthing and found these recordings of Susan Austin Taylor as podcasts on iTunes. Just search on Susan Austin Taylor and filter on podcasts. These are the podcasts run by Dick Sutphen titled "Spiritual Concepts". The episodes sited in this thread are on that stream

17th July 2016, 10:48 AM

Alas, this thread is ten years old. Things change :?

Just pointing out.No longer available.

Oops just seen honeybadger400's post. Ignore me please.

17th July 2016, 06:19 PM
Susan, no worries

I'm looking forward to listening to the podcasts. Since this thread is about SAT, I'll link a pretty phenomenal video taken of her doing a talk with a Austin AP meetup group. I find her stories about the work she does in the real time zone with earth bounds pretty amazing
