View Full Version : Lucid dream journal writing

21st December 2008, 09:41 PM
When taking a nap I was having a dream, and I was convinced this place was my house. Maybe that fact that I found a kitchen faucet in the middle of a table started to tip me off... and it was working! I used it for some reason. *shrugs*

When I got more lucid I had the feeling this was actually more like an OBE. I was talking to my wife, who was just saying "air volume", and I could not get an explanation out of her. I wanted to talk somebody else, so I talked to my mother, who seemed to recommend something about spirits in the house. Maybe keeping the house clean so that it would attract "the right kind of spirits".

I thought "I want to write this down" and there was a blank white space in front of my vision, and blue ink handwriting started to appear on it. I started to journal my thoughts away, but it was not writing. The words were just appearing as I thought them. I also noticed that this was not my handwriting, but very pretty, clear handwriting. I noticed this, and thought "No, I want to really write this down, so I don't forget" and I had the feeling as if contacted my body in bed and started to write this down.

Even though this felt like I was moving the energetic equivalent of my body in bed, I was absolutely not convinced this was working. More like my dream playing tricks on me, wanting to make me think I was really already writing this down or "lure" me into a false awakening. So I focused on this white space I was making words appear because I hoped writing things down in the dream might help me remember them later.

I concentrated too hard, and "slipped past" the place in my mind where I was writing things down into another space. It really felt like these were all areas in my head. In this other space a song by the Rollins Band was stuck on loop, or at least I thought "Oh no, it is stuck on loop!". I really did not want to be stuck in a dark space in my mind with the song "Spilling Over The Side" when instead I could have a lucid dream. It felt like one of the energetic blockages in my forehead.

So I did not want to stay there, and I must have focussed on it continuously, similarly as I do when dissolving. I just stayed aware of it. The song stopped, and the energy contracted. I felt energy remove itself and shrink back, felt it "unplug" from my temples and dissolve. I slipped back into the space where I could write things down. Put some more words there. That white space was actually like in the middle of some sort of "tunnel vision", and the edges seemed to look like cloud edges.

Somewhere in this whole "white writing space" I thought "Cool, I have etheric vision!" - I seem to always slap some weird labels on stuff in my dreams while I am having them.

Also after I had dissolved that energy in that dark space where the music played on loop, I think I remembered what I dreamt last night. Because in the morning I could not. But I guess I had similar experiences with dissolving while sleeping, because I remember a memory where I felt totally immersed into the content of the blockage I was dissolving. Like reliving part of the reality the blockage was standing for, a full visual experience. And I don't remember this kind of vivid things when doing this while fully awake and meditating, so I must have done this at night. When I did do this during the day, memory images were shady and dark and not vividly relived. So I remembered this while dreaming.

I woke up with a medium headache in my temples that was already starting to get better, and this time I really wrote it down. :)


21st December 2008, 10:31 PM
Huh, that's pretty awesome! Dissolving a block in your sleep...talk about efficient use of time! ;)

I notice that I too put weird labels to things when I'm dreaming...something will happen or I will see something and I'll say "Oh yeah, it's <blank>!" when it really doesn't fit...sometimes after waking I can't even make a conscious connection between the label and what I had labeled. It's like "How in the heck did I think THAT!?"

22nd December 2008, 07:14 AM
I wanted to add that I believe when I was thinking about writing it "really" down, I think I switched to my etheric body. Because it *almost* felt like my physical body, I made it move, I had a feeling of being in my bedroom, but I also had the feeling "This is not me while being awake." I spotted differences, and I felt like I was composed of energy similar to my physical body. I guess one thing that tipped me off was the ease of movement. Something, a feeling of energy, or seeing something tipped me off.

Another thing I noticed about lucid dreaming is the degrees of lucidity and how they change. When I saw the faucet it was totally out of place, a stark, lucidity-inducing contrast. But when I turned it on I kind of expected it would not work, which would have increased my feeling of oddness about it. Instead it worked, and that actually lowered my lucidity! You would expect that if a faucet with no connection to anything giving off water would make one even more lucid (as in: "This is impossible!"), but instead the reasoning was much simpler - a faucet that emits water makes sense. My sense of logic was not working on "the big picture", just on that little fact "faucet works", and made me accept the reality I was in again more. Other oddities about the arrangement soon tipped me towards lucidity again, and this time it stayed at a higher level.

In other dreams certain faculties of my mind only came back when following oddities - like full recall of my real life circumstances. I only rediscovered those after following an odd feeling that nagged me. Logic might only operate in a very limited sense, and the feeling of the big picture might be missing. Sometimes I suddenly realise I accepted a story without even being able to remember any "ramp-up" to it - no exposition, nothing to introduce it, just the situation as is. Finding these inconsistencies helps me get lucid. If something is missing from my mind, if I get the feeling I lack some ability, and if things don't make sense (at least from my point of view).

Huh, that's pretty awesome! Dissolving a block in your sleep...talk about efficient use of time! ;)

I wasn't quite intended, but it was very welcome indeed. ;)

I notice that I too put weird labels to things when I'm dreaming...something will happen or I will see something and I'll say "Oh yeah, it's <blank>!" when it really doesn't fit...sometimes after waking I can't even make a conscious connection between the label and what I had labeled. It's like "How in the heck did I think THAT!?"

Yeah, where did that come from? I sometimes just wonder why I spontaneously spout out these things. It's like the thing on top of my mind, and in dreams they just come out like that...

I can be very spontaneous and outright foolish in these "dreams". Once - only once - I was "dreaming" about another person's inner world. A representation of their values and ideas. All of it was arranged like console gaming - levels, save points, achievement, high scores. I was a bit lucid and realised that this was a translation how this person perceives their spiritual endeavors. I was not however lucid enough to make responsible use of that information. I mean, I explored for a while, played a few levels to see what it was like, but then I tried to hack and overwrite the "Hall of Fame" in order to get "some sense" into that person.

After waking up I thought how horrible of me! I mean, being presented something like that is a big gift in understanding another person. Jumping in and trying to fiddle with it just seemed foolish. But in the "dream" I was just in a playful mood. I was not having ill intent. I was just not recognising the consequences of my actions or what I was about to do. I felt as responsible as if in fact fiddling with a video console.

Since I woke up shortly afterward I think the whole thing was aborted before I could fool with something important. :?


23rd December 2008, 08:08 AM
PS - I start to think "etheric vision" was correct, at least in identifying the body I was in. I had contact to my etheric body during this when I tried to make my body write something down. Also, when I felt to be inside my head I also think I was in my etheric body - especially since I "zoomed in" on that block (the music stuck on loop). Also the sensation of the energy shrinking back from my temples.

This reminds me of at least one other dream, where I saw my body from inside and had an energetic event, described here: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=11437.
