View Full Version : How to resist unwanted energy signature feelings?

19th December 2008, 06:03 AM

and thank you very much for all your work.

Being quite empathetic and body aware, what can be done to stop certain unwanted people's energy signature feelings on my energy body?

(i.e there might be curling sensation in the bottom of my feet and at the same time same energy affects my groin and third eye - when a certain person is thinking about me and my life. That can be very annoying, as it affects how i treat my own businesses during the day - i get negative emotional response...)

I have been thinking about it, and direct energy work at those manifesting areas help a bit, but more complete blocking would be nice. And it seems that mental shielding i do in my mind is not working at all.

Robert Bruce
25th January 2010, 07:45 AM

First, I suggest you break or minimize contact with these people.

The affirmation below will help.

Core Affirmation: “I am loved and I am worthy. I am safe and I am free. I am happy and I am healthy. I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.”

I also suggest....

Use Tiger Balm on your feet and other areas where sensations are felt.

Keep up the remedial energy work on this areas, too.

Get some magnetic insoles for your shoes.

Get a Q-Link. See http://www.glidewing.com/gwq-link_home.html
(they all do the same thing. I wean an acrylic q link.)

See the audio 'purple fire' and q link info here http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/audi ... epage.html (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/audiovisualhomepage.html)

Purple fire helps burn away the negative attachments and etc.

See the articles here http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/ppsd ... s/259.html (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/ppsd-articles/259.html)
(these are a bit disorganized, but take a look at the articles on sleeping earthed, mega salt baths, etc.)

See http://www.sleepingearthed.com and consider setting something up for yourself.

Whenever you feel impinged upon, revoke and cancel any contracts, eg, say 'I cancel and revoke any contracts with this energy, known and unknown.' Repeat as necessary.

Use the core affirmation as much as you can, verbally and silently. Make good use of driving and alone time for verbals. This really helps.
