View Full Version : Dream w/a message from a few weeks ago

19th December 2008, 01:10 AM
I decided to post this because I would like some help on interpreting the whole message that was given to me since now I think it has started to come true...

I was staying at some kind of semi-private beach house with shared common areas. All kinds of people kept coming and going. Some seemed to stay for quite a while and some didn't even stay for more than a few minutes. It seemed to be a place where people came to get advice or guidance of some kind. Everyone seemed to be just hanging out while they waited. I recognized a few of the people there and sometimes chatted with them.

After I had spent what felt like a week or two at the beach house, I got a message. It was as if someone was talking to me, but I couldn't see them. They seemed to understand me so well and be so knowledgeble that I didn't even think to question what they were saying. They were saying that soon I would find someone who shares my love of the color purple and that we would paint Atlantis together. In my minds eye I saw/partly experienced myself meeting a guy for the first time. We talked, but I don't know what we said to each other and it didn't really seem to matter. He was a painter. On a whim, I took one of his brushes and with some of his paint started to paint his nose and forehead bright blue. When I was almost finished I realized that the blue wasn't the right color, it should be purple instead. So I started to wash off the paint. He seemed amused and a bit puzzled by the whole thing and we both started to laugh.

Then the view changed and I was watching the two of us discuss one of his ongoing works. It was a large mural-sized painting but very detailed like a map. It was supposed to be of Atlantis. We were determining if he had put in all of the outlying pillars and towers that surrounded the city or if there were more further out. As I scrutinized the painting, it started to move and become almost real, like very detailed CGI. I saw the city and it was almost as he had painted it, but one of the towers was not in the right place and there were some strange pillars that he hadn't painted that marked the outermost boundaries of the city. As I pulled away from the 'CGI display', I described what I had seen to the guy and told him about moving the towers and adding the pillars. As our discussion continued, the vision started to fade out. Instead of being back at the beach house, I just woke up.

I take the first part of the message to mean that I will meet someone who is also into spiritual development (the color purple), but I have no idea what the Atlantis metaphor is all about. Anyone want to chip in their 2 cents? I would really appreciate it!

19th December 2008, 01:41 AM
Atlantis is a metaphor for knowledge and advancement. It's signficant that Atlantis is not "gone", it's just "hidden", beneath the waves. I've always interpreted this to be a symbol for the collective unconscious to which all human beings have access (even if they don't know they do).

19th December 2008, 01:52 AM
Thank you, OlderWiser. I am glad to know that.

19th December 2008, 07:41 AM
I was staying at some kind of semi-private beach house with shared common areas. All kinds of people kept coming and going. Some seemed to stay for quite a while and some didn't even stay for more than a few minutes. It seemed to be a place where people came to get advice or guidance of some kind. Everyone seemed to be just hanging out while they waited. I recognized a few of the people there and sometimes chatted with them.

Sounds like a bit like the afterlife - or life in between lives - doesn't it? People come, stay a while, receive guidance, leave again, and some you recognize from before.

After I had spent what felt like a week or two at the beach house, I got a message. It was as if someone was talking to me, but I couldn't see them. They seemed to understand me so well and be so knowledgeble that I didn't even think to question what they were saying.

Sounds like a guide.

Maybe Atlantis is not a metaphor, but something "this guy" is currently working on, looking for inspiration in his dreams and on "the other side". The comparison of the picture and an astral equivalent that serves as inspiration for it seems to indicate that a bit. And in one of his visits for inspiration maybe you met, an arrangement to remind you of your life plans?

Of course only guesses, but the first things I thought of. Definitely an interesting experience.

Take care,

19th December 2008, 02:00 PM
Sounds like a bit like the afterlife - or life in between lives - doesn't it? People come, stay a while, receive guidance, leave again, and some you recognize from before.

Yes, it does sound like that. Except all of the people that I recognized there were most definitely alive. I have no experience with the astral realms, but I figure it must be something like that. Maybe someone who APs regularly knows of a similar place?

Maybe Atlantis is not a metaphor

My literal self really likes this idea. :D But, I really don't know. I remember receiving a similarly direct dream message only once before and I am still puzzling over what it could possibly mean. And looking back at that time (I was about 7 or 8 years old), I have no doubt that I was APing and it was totally real. I even experienced being in the presence of God/Source. It was unmistakable.

Thank you for your $0.02, Korpo! I have added it to the jar. :)

27th December 2008, 04:11 PM
Yes, it does sound like that. Except all of the people that I recognized there were most definitely alive. I have no experience with the astral realms, but I figure it must be something like that. Maybe someone who APs regularly knows of a similar place? Yes, the places in between lives are also visited by folks that are alive and learning something or other. Aunt Clair would say it's on Shamballah, or around it. We constantly go there to get either dreamstate lessons or attunements. We also go there when we want to visit a departed one.
According to Kurt Leland when we have experiences with departed loved ones, they're not coming to us, we're going to them, so it's a collective place in the astral.
Chances are that if you have dreams that recur in the same places, (you can revisit and see changes in the environment) you're visiting an astral plane, as opposed to a private dream pool.

2nd February 2009, 08:03 AM
Yes, it does sound like that. Except all of the people that I recognized there were most definitely alive. I have no experience with the astral realms, but I figure it must be something like that. Maybe someone who APs regularly knows of a similar place?

A new friend of mine reported recently that he very often visits a kind of club house on the higher planes, a place where he and like-minded souls converge. He often finds himself there, out of body. He had to shape his own version of it, how he represents it to himself, but the people he meets there are other souls.

When he described it to me in a recent email, I had to think of this conversation.


2nd February 2009, 08:31 AM
A new friend of mine reported recently that he very often visits a kind of club house on the higher planes, a place where he and like-minded souls converge. He often finds himself there, out of body.

I have a friend who I dream of often. In most of the dreams we are sitting in a coffee shop. She has also told me that when I am in her dreams we are in a coffee shop. Sometimes there are other people there with us.

I know this must be a real place we meet at when we are out of body.

2nd February 2009, 01:46 PM
I had another dream with a similar venue a couple nights ago. The place was like an airport lounge/restaurant. It seemed to be designed as a meeting place. I spent a long time hanging out and chatting with one of my good friends there. After I woke up, I had a really strong sense that I had actually spent time with him in person (he lives 3000 miles away) to the point where I kept forgetting that it was 'just a dream'. So, are these 'dreams' I am remembering actually astral travels? How do I tell the difference? Thanks!

2nd February 2009, 01:58 PM
I'd say there is indeed the possibility that these are adventures out of body.

How to tell the difference? Hmmm. Tricky. I personally go by a feeling that it was more than just a normal dream, or that the person I was relating to was more than a dream character. There's no hard, fast rule, especially if you are not lucid (at least aware that this is not your waking consciousness). I go by a gut feeling about these things.


Neil Templar
2nd February 2009, 06:12 PM
I often find myself in a similar, holiday village type of environment, with friends, and strangers coming and going, when i ask for my guides to teach me something. then we as a group usually go somewhere nearby to learn whatever today's lesson is. :)
also i'm usually lucid, thinking, but unable to alter the course of the "dream", probably to ensure the lesson is learned...
i find those ones the most satisfying experiences, no need to interpret any symbols, it's usually quite obvious what we're being taught. tho i'm sure most lessons come in a "multi layered" format.
there's probably a symbolic meaning as well as the obvious... 8)

and i also have the not being able to actually "see" who's talking to you, tho you know they're there, and can feel their essence time and again in different dreamstate lessons.

2nd February 2009, 08:17 PM
and i also have the not being able to actually "see" who's talking to you, tho you know they're there, and can feel their essence time and again in different dreamstate lessons.

I recently read that non-physical perception is a skill that develops in stages. Full visual input may be the last to become active. Knowing who's who and reaching out to somebody else's essence are different inner senses, they can become active separately.
