View Full Version : An old dream.

14th December 2008, 04:50 PM
Hi folks :)
I’m going to share a dream that I had a couple of years ago. :)
I was in a long corridor with white walls. There were a lot of doors on both sides of the corridor. Suddenly a person appeared in front of me. He looked like a "better" version of me, more handsome, stronger etc. The moment he appeared I gained lucidity in my dream. I knew he was a foreign element in my dream (once I gain lucidity I can tall what is and what is not of my creation in a dream) I tried to make him disappear but I couldn’t (another hint that he was a visitor).
He just smiled at me and then yelled: "Return quickly to your body because they are coming!"
I thought: O sh..! I started running to a door that represented me waking up but I stopped and thought about myself "Idiot...". I realized that I just have to use my method of waking up: I close my eyes tightly in my dream and then I open them (usually I open my real eyes and I wake up). So I did that and I woke up.