View Full Version : Am I on my way to learning Spanish? "No."

10th December 2008, 10:15 AM
That's the last clear thing I said to myself before my dream faded into consciousness.

"Just hand me a book about it all and that's all I need"

Was I the one who said "Am I on my way...". I don't remember. But I know that it was me who said "no".
In a way, this dream kind of scared me, even though there were no real threats.

In the moments those comments were made, I was in a classroom, much like the ones from back in my High School days.

Over lit, blaring yellow, hurting my eyes, me in the back of the class, with a few possible buddies for that instant in time, not doing our work, and we weren't going to do any of it. Just like always. That was me in real life--except usually I would do just enough to get by. In this dream, I was going to battle the teacher and tell her how much she sucked. That’s the current me, an even worse student than I was before.

The dream starts off pretty complex--mostly about nothing. It wasn't focused at all. But then I remember myself running down a hallway. It looked like a hotel hallway, that slowly morphed into a school hallway, right before an old college professor of mine, pulled me into her class.
And for me, that's where the focus and memorable content of the thing kicks in.
I don't know why I am in a Spanish 1 class, but I don't contest it. I just sit down and suddenly I am scared. "Oh crap, I didn't do any of the homework, or report, none of that stuff, I don't feel like want to." In the back of my mind, I knew that I wouldn't be returning to this class, but I knew that I couldn't leave either, until she dismissed us, or the bell rang, or something.

This professor was actually my art history professor from college--but she was playing the role of my High School Spanish teacher. So that was weird. This teacher was very nice, and yet, very demanding. Even when you hated her, you still liked her at the same time. I remember being very conflicted because of that during her sessions...and homework. She gave a lot.

I was an awful student in both classes. I was an awful student period. I'm not proud of it, and at the same time, I am not ashamed. And that's how I feel in the dream as well...except I'm even more un-ashamed. I'm an egotistical monster. "I don't need anybody. I've got this covered" is pretty much my new motto. I'm my own teacher, and if it's useful info, I will know right away even if I'm right or wrong.

Anyway, this part of the dream was very powerful for me. It was sooo short, but what happened in it, was very intricate. I was like, somewhat psychic, from all of that school experience. Wired, our minds, me and the teacher, were wired. It was like all my schooling years teachers reactions towards me was magnified. Instead of getting scolded 2 times a day, it was 2 times a minute. A lot happened.

I was upset, because right before she dragged me in the room, she said she wanted to see me after class for missed work. Even though I knew that as soon as I was out of her authority, I was gone--but yes, I am afraid of the work I didn't do. Weird. So I'm sitting at a small table in the back of the room...it's turned around the wrong way...and there are these two kids I'm cracking jokes with...no...more like insults to the teacher. "Wow, this is an awful class. What's with all this busy work? Do you really think we're learning anything? This is a waste of time. Can you believe all the work she is going to make us do? Why? This is stupid."

She has notes on the board, and what's us to copy them--plus, she is having kids read out things and we have to analyze them and take notes for a stupid test. Crap. I'm going to pretend I'm working. I have a notepad momentarily writing things. It doesn’t work though, my attitude says it all. The teacher is constantly saying things (it’s weird to have someone be angry at me, especially in a professional place) like “Mr. SleepGOTweird is obviously not working. SleepGOTweird is going to fail. SleepGOTweird needs to shut his mouth.” When she is saying these things, I know that I am somewhat deserving, but really, I’m not saying a thing. My face is the only defiant element, and I am turned the wrong way…but I’m definitely not causing any trouble. Whatever. I’m going to be gone soon.

In my previous dream, I speak about a band. In this dream, a special rock band shows up to the classroom to play a session of their music. No sense at all to the context of learning…but whatever. I think I even mention how useless it is to have a band in a Spanish class. Just adding to my ego. Like we’re learning soooo much now.

The band starts playing, and yet at the same time, we’re still doing work, while supposedly trying to watch what’s going on. Whatever, cool. This band keep messing up, and the teacher falls asleep during it. Someone mentions this and I want to grab my stuff and ditch class. I’ve done that a few times before in the past, where I’d even go out for food before returning to the building. I look to my stuff--book bag, texts, pencils, whatever, I’m going. Right before I leave she wakes up and yells at me and the group surrounding me. I didn’t look like I was going anywhere, strangely enough, my stuff was still unpacked. It just added to the ridiculousness of it all.

By this time I’ve had enough. I wasn’t learning anything, there was a BAND playing rock music during class, and the teacher won’t let me do nothing. I’m pissed. Talk to me teacher, so I can tear you down.

Are we on our way to learning Spanish? “No. Just give me a good book. That’s ALL I need.”

The school part of my dream fades and I’m searching on the internet. It’s an internet forum much like this one but for art related things. People posting the work they’ve done and other users critique it or show interest.
I see a thread for some art based off of a developing movie/television series.

It’s about a group of guys who play a game--whatever you do to them, they’ll do something they deem equal to do to you. You destroy something of theirs, they’ll do something back.
Somehow I’m seeing a trailer of this movie/T.V series, like I’m there. It pans in on an actors face, and he charismatically says “Whatever you do to me, I’ll do to you.”

Then the dream ends. Just like that. Very slowly, but quickly. I know that I’m dreaming at that point, and that I’m going to be waking soon. I couldn’t sleep a minute longer.

10th December 2008, 10:35 AM
I think this dream pertains to your spiritual development. Just a hunch of mine, so please bear with me.

It was recently made known to me that in order to use the faculties of the mental body we have to learn new "translation skills". Also, just yesterday, I read that for Kurt Leland his Spanish teacher and doing translation work in a dream pertains to the process of "translating your experiences" - in making them understandable to you.

So, even for somebody who knows how to do things astrally the mental body might be a new challenge. Like "going to school again", introductory class for "interpretation skills".

While the astral body and its experiences have to do with emotions, the mental body has to with all things mental - including attitudes and beliefs. Your attitudes might be impending you when "doing your work" - when you could actually learn something.

I was also told that learning to use the mental body can require a teacher. For example a guiding spirit. Your attitude of self-reliance might impede your growth in that regard, represented in your conflict with the "teacher in translation". Also, a school can embody mental development.

Your extreme acting in the dream might be nothing but a very clear statement about this, overemphasing your attitudes and behaviours to make you aware of this.

Funnily enough I was also told that there is as of yet no book for really learning about the mental body. I find this funny, because in your dream you request the book. But perhaps you need the teacher. But the teacher requires your cooperation.

The mental report you said you had with your teacher, the replay of your school experiences might have been an actual exchange with an out-of-body being. This being could have compressed a whole summary into a single telepathic message, where it would include all examples of a certain behaviour that are in your memory to represent a point. Or where an enormous amount of information is exchanged.

Do you feel like any of these suggestions make sense to you? Do they connect?


10th December 2008, 09:42 PM
When you say mental body, do you mean consciousness?

11th December 2008, 06:37 AM

Like for example the astral body, the mental body is a vehicle for consciousness, but I would not say consciousness itself. It has its own set of senses and can be used to explore (according to theosophy) the lower mental plane and the planes "below it" (astral and etheric/RTZ).

Related to the mental body are beliefs, attitudes, thought.


11th December 2008, 10:09 PM
So, are you saying that I will be a little more myself during my dreams?

Have access to more of my mannerisms?

More control?

12th December 2008, 07:40 AM
I did not say anything like that at all.

Maybe this isn't what is happening to you. It does not seem to connect.
