View Full Version : Dog sitter - not sure about interpretation

10th December 2008, 10:09 AM
Last night I nearly forgot to record this:

I am charged with taking care of my neighbour's dog while he is gone. When having the rule of the home, "we" (whoever "we" is in this context I am not sure of) neglect our duties to the dog. The whole thing degrades into irresponsibility. Instead of caring for the dog, the people I brought in, party in the house. I realise that the dog must have been locked in for 1 1/2 days, and I feel bad for the dog and I want to end it and take care for it, but I feel unable to do so.

I am unsure how to interpret this dream. This is what I have come up with so far:
"dog" = "loyalty", "animal self"
"neglecting your service to your animal self" = "irresponsible treatment of body"?
"neighbour's dog" = either somebody else's body or denoting a distance between me and my body?
"partying" = "indulgence"
"1 1/2" = "150%" ?
"taking wrong care of food and water" = "wrong nutrition"?

"off by 1 1/2 (days)" = "150% of required daily intake"?

So, either the dream says my daily nutrition intake is irresponsible behaviour to my body, which I have no hard time to believe. :roll: However, the notion of "the neighbour's dog" and that the dog is actually lacking food (and care) during the 1 1/2 days seem at least to contradict this.

"neighbour" can also be seen in the Christian sense. "Love your neighbour as yourself". Reverse and shake "Serve yourself as you would others." Not sure about this.

Some help to untangle this would be welcome. :)


10th December 2008, 12:56 PM
I’ve had many dreams like this in the past Korpo. I’m interested to see the interpretations of it.

10th December 2008, 01:04 PM
Can you elaborate what happened in them and what you think about them? Would be surely helpful. :)


10th December 2008, 01:22 PM
Gee that would be wouldn’t it? :lol:

In all cases I was responsible for watching someone’s pet while they were going to be away for a period of time. I don’t remember many details, but the overall jist of them was the fact that something would always get in the way of me actually pulling off my end of the deal. The result would be days of neglect on my part regarding feeding, water, letting in and out of the house you name it. A couple cases resulted in death I believe. How awful a person I must be.. in some cases the circumstances that detained me from the particular pet’s care were very frustrating – one thing to the next preventing me from fulfilling my obligation. Other times it was pure forgetfulness on my part.

I have similar dreams on occasion based on that same forgetfulness.. I would be back in school and it I would be in the midst of my first week back. I am still getting acclimated to where I have to be when for what class and all that. Then time will pass in my dream and the next thing I know it’s 1/2 way thru the semester and I had forgotten to attend a particular class! I call them “frustration dreams” I have them when I have a lot of stress in my life.

Have you been under stress lately? or worried about not getting something done on time?

10th December 2008, 01:28 PM
Have you been under stress lately? or worried about not getting something done on time?

Yes. :)


10th December 2008, 01:38 PM
Well get on it then and stop procrastinating here! :P

10th December 2008, 01:45 PM
Well get on it then and stop procrastinating here! :P


