View Full Version : tremendous sense of loss

8th December 2008, 09:47 PM
So, i had this dream last night. It felt extremely real. I was with who I knew to be my girlfriend from 8 years ago, although it didnt look like her at all. We talked and she kept going to leave, then would turn around and tell me something on how she was so happy to be back and i would say the same. she turned to leave and said she would be back, and my alarm went off.

I felt .... like i had a huge hole in me and felt like i needed to get back in there. like i left a part of myself in the dream. This is the second or third time this has happened in the last couple years. With her being the main part of the dream. Any ideas on what is going on? I mean i haven't even talked to her in 2 years , haven't seen her in 5.

Thanks for reading,


8th December 2008, 10:05 PM
If you have more personal contact than you have had, you would NOT have these dreams.

Due to the prolonged lack of contact, on some level you are mourning.....as if she died

If it is possible, I would hang out with her to get some more closure.

I suffer through similar issues.

8th December 2008, 10:42 PM
I am working on trying to get a hold of her. I wrote her an email right after i woke up to let her know what was going on with me and to see what was up with her. hopefully she wants to get back in touch. we shall see.