View Full Version : This was one incredibly creepy nightmare.

4th December 2008, 03:50 PM
It started off like any dream. Great weather, (that doesn't match real life atm) and me around lot's of people I've never met, and a few lost friends. Through the majority of this dream, it felt like a dream. It was nice, up to a certain point, but there was something about it that felt misleading.

Anyway, alot of this dream is completely forgotten--mainly the good stuff. The bad is all I can say, and it's bad because it's something I thought would never show up in a dream.

I was going on some type of trip a little ways from home...maybe a half hour, because I kept trekking back and forth from this place and my home quite often. It was a park, with a bathroom, and we traveled to this destination with a van. There a few other cars that were with us on this trip to the park, and one of them was a band.

Anyway, I believe we stay the night at this place, and I woke up to go do my morning hygiene. This is where things turn for the worse. I look into my hamper of fresh clothes, and my mind keeps fracturing. What I mean is, my dream world is having trouble keeping me focused and coherent. Like I would blackout, and suddenly I did something that I wanted to do over. I put on an old shirt, or pants, and didn't brush my teeth, and I would realize this, and not remember doing what I didn't want to do. I would go back into the bathroom, and try again. And again....and again.

This dream starting having that 'feel', the feel that things were going to get creepy. "Don't forget the rest of my clothes" I tell myself. I fragment again and head towards one of the vehicles. I then fragment to my home. With no clothes. I'm confused and frustrated. Obviously I left them in the bathroom back at the park. So I return. I better hurry before someone takes them. I also realize I'm wearing yesterdays clothes, that I did not change. I'm worried about myself, IN THE DREAM, mentally. Weird feeling.

I annoyingly trek back, re-arrive, go into the bathroom to try one more time to change, and remember to take the rest of my belongings back. I don't think I did either. I looked in the mirror, and things got all choppy again, I go outside, and fragment/teleport back home. This time, all the vehicles that took us to the park are lodged into some of the houses. One is turned over, and another is--I can't even remember. People start blaming me for what happened, and I am extremely perplexed on what is going on. Nothing is making sense. Anyway, besides all that, whoever is angry with me wants me to go back and retrieve the last vehicle that was left at the park. Okay.

I head back to the park somehow, and see the van. I hear music playing. It was the van with the band. Before I open it up and tell the guys to come home, some man tells me the band is evil. Huh? This is getting creepy. "What are you talking about?", I open the van back and see a bunch of kids playing some rock music. "They're evil, look at them." I took a glance into their eyes, and they did look a little like what he described, but I decided to defend them for some reason, and say that they "looked fine". Let's get home.

Next thing you know, I'm sitting around my houses dinner table with my mother and her friend. Things just kind of jumped there, and I'm telling my parents that I'm having mental problems. Problems of blacking out and not remembering what I did. I come to the own conclusion that I was under mind control, and that's why this is all happening. I'm pretty scared as I confess this, and what was even more creepy is the reaction my mom had--she didn't care, or was surprised.

I woke up. Awake to the echoes of the idea that I was being controlled. I don't think I had a nightmare that bothered me to go back to sleep since I was 10. Yikes. This whole dream didn’t make sense, and I don’t think I have ever had a dream like this before. It felt like having sleep paralysis multiple times. That feeling of losing grip--and that’s when I blacked out.

6th December 2008, 09:35 AM
Your dream is difficult and I’m not sure I can give you a complete explanation but I’m pretty certain I can point you in the right direction.

I was going on some type of trip a little ways from home...maybe a half hour, because I kept trekking back and forth from this place and my home quite often.

Perhaps you were experiencing partial awareness of your etheric body simultaneous with the excursions in your dream body so that experiences were becoming confused. Have you been getting lucid or remembering OBEs? If not yet or not recently, you’re probably getting close.

It was a park, with a bathroom, and we traveled to this destination with a van.

Consider the function of a park. It’s a place for rest and recreation. Now, a bathroom is for cleansing and purging. Dreams can function this way, however, there are those who theorise that if we are overburdened by our physical lives we may find ourselves unable to access the more healing elements of the dream worlds because we became caught close to the physical- such is our vibratory level.

There a few other cars that were with us on this trip to the park, and one of them was a band.

Anyway, I believe we stay the night at this place, and I woke up to go do my morning hygiene.

In my experience light and dark are very good indicators in dreams of heading towards or away from lucidity. Not sure if it applies here, however, only you can discern that.

This is where things turn for the worse. I look into my hamper of fresh clothes, and my mind keeps fracturing.

You’re probably trying to access the higher astral and cleanse and heal your psyche.

What I mean is, my dream world is having trouble keeping me focused and coherent. Like I would blackout, and suddenly I did something that I wanted to do over. I put on an old shirt, or pants, and didn't brush my teeth, and I would realize this, and not remember doing what I didn't want to do. I would go back into the bathroom, and try again. And again....and again.

…but your awareness is being pulled back closer to the physical frequency bands. Thus, the fragmentation and the sense of repeatedly trying to clean yourself. It’s possible you’ve failed to “download” memories of one of your other bodies.

"Don't forget the rest of my clothes" I tell myself.

Clothing always interests me in dreams. To me it’s very much about the energy bodies and the way we’re replenishing these as we rest.

I fragment again and head towards one of the vehicles.

Vehicles too represent energy bodies or, rather, the transition between these.

I then fragment to my home. With no clothes.

Back to the physical? No awareness of other bodies? Sleep naked?

I'm confused and frustrated. Obviously I left them in the bathroom back at the park. So I return. I better hurry before someone takes them. I also realize I'm wearing yesterdays clothes, that I did not change. I'm worried about myself, IN THE DREAM, mentally. Weird feeling.

You sense that you haven’t accomplished the spiritual ablutions you set out to achieve. Feeling like someone will steal your clothes is perhaps an expression that you feel violated that you haven’t achieved the cleansing sought and that your peace has been stolen from you.

I annoyingly trek back, re-arrive, go into the bathroom to try one more time to change, and remember to take the rest of my belongings back. I don't think I did either. I looked in the mirror, and things got all choppy again, I go outside, and fragment/teleport back home.

Looking in the mirror is just a smidgeon away from awareness of being out of body. Your dream translated a second (or third) body into a reflected image. Things got choppy because you had trouble downloading your astral memories. They imposed themselves on your dream but you weren’t able to differentiate the two and maintain separate awareness of each on this occasion.

This time, all the vehicles that took us to the park are lodged into some of the houses. One is turned over, and another is--I can't even remember. People start blaming me for what happened, and I am extremely perplexed on what is going on. Nothing is making sense. Anyway, besides all that, whoever is angry with me wants me to go back and retrieve the last vehicle that was left at the park. Okay.

I head back to the park somehow, and see the van. I hear music playing. It was the van with the band. Before I open it up and tell the guys to come home, some man tells me the band is evil. Huh? This is getting creepy. "What are you talking about?", I open the van back and see a bunch of kids playing some rock music. "They're evil, look at them." I took a glance into their eyes, and they did look a little like what he described, but I decided to defend them for some reason, and say that they "looked fine". Let's get home.

Can’t help with this bit at this time. Maybe you’ll sort it out. This kind of dream work helps your development, so think about it some more, okay.?

Possible dream punning on band. Read anything about Robert Monroe and M Band noise? An online search would probably yield results if you haven't.

Next thing you know, I'm sitting around my houses dinner table with my mother and her friend.
The mother may be your higher self, believe it or not. The dinner table is a place to consume and review.

Things just kind of jumped there, and I'm telling my parents that I'm having mental problems. Problems of blacking out and not remembering what I did.

You’re close to understanding that you’ve failed to recall your astral adventures or you’re not in control of your day so you’ve had issues during your night healing and replenishing, or both.

Consider who your mother's friend may be, other than a basic dream character. You might get an exciting insight.

I come to the own conclusion that I was under mind control, and that's why this is all happening.

In a way, you are. Consider ways in which your conditioning, your habitual behaviours are not serving your well-being.

I'm pretty scared as I confess this, and what was even more creepy is the reaction my mom had--she didn't care, or was surprised.

Because “she” knows this already and because she knows it’s temporary.

I woke up. Awake to the echoes of the idea that I was being controlled. I don't think I had a nightmare that bothered me to go back to sleep since I was 10. Yikes. This whole dream didn’t make sense, and I don’t think I have ever had a dream like this before. It felt like having sleep paralysis multiple times. That feeling of losing grip--and that’s when I blacked out.

You probably were and it’s probably a good sign of development that you were aware of it. Such dreams can be very useful, even if unsettling. There’s a lot of processing going on there.

6th December 2008, 10:00 AM
One expression that occurs for the first time in Far Journeys and became an essential component in Monroe’s interpretation of the Universe is the M Band. This, he says, is part of the energy spectrum surrounding the Earth that is commonly used for thought. It is not electronic, electric, magnetic, nucleonic, or anything else. M Band noise is caused by uncontrolled thought. Monroe perceived this as a sort of chaotic cacophony and learned to hurry through it as fast as he could.


7th December 2008, 02:05 AM
This comment...

...but your awareness is being pulled back closer to the physical frequency bands. Thus, the fragmentation and the sense of repeatedly trying to clean yourself. It’s possible you’ve failed to “download” memories of one of your other bodies.

coupled with this

You sense that you haven’t accomplished the spiritual ablutions you set out to achieve.

plus a piece of the dream

I'm confused and frustrated. Obviously I left them in the bathroom back at the park. So I return. I better hurry before someone takes them. I also realize I'm wearing yesterdays clothes, that I did not change. I'm worried about myself, IN THE DREAM, mentally. Weird feeling.

struck me. A very interesting observation-- Something that I didn't see at all. I was back in my old clothes, expecting new ones, and realized that I had failed.

Can’t help with this bit at this time. Maybe you’ll sort it out. This kind of dream work helps your development, so think about it some more, okay.?

Yeah, this part was really nonsensical to me. If I tried to pull any info out of it now, I'm sure I would be making things up and thinking that I had dreamt it.