View Full Version : guides answered question in a dream

2nd December 2008, 07:35 AM
Neil's post about the thumbs up reminded me of a dream I had this summer.

I had a dream where I came upon two men who looked like hobos. They were having a mild dissagreement on swans. One said, "It's this kind of swan..." The other said, "No, no, no. It's this kind of swan..."

I'm just standing there overhearing the conversation, and since I'm always trying to interpret the dreams I have while I'm having them I think, Swan, the only association I have with Swan is the swan card from my oracle deck...

As soon as I had this thought, one of the men holds up his finger and says to the other, "Aha! She got it!"

So when I got up the next morning I looked up the meaning of the swan card and it directly answered a question I had asked my guides the day before.

2nd December 2008, 08:45 AM
This is so cool, Mishell.

I had a similar sort of experience recently. My friend sent me this email:

Hi D
How is everything?
Thinking about a career change. Just wondering if you have any "vibes" about it?
Dont want to bias you with what it is at this stage.

Regards R

I programmed a dream to answer R. Here's an excerpt that shows what I dreamt:

...I get on a bus with R and L. We try to find two seats near each other so we can talk but others are in our way. Eventually we get to talk as we travel. Mostly the discussion is with L but cannot remember details.
(This is probably an attempt by my dream mind to establish an initial link earlier in the night).

The next dream is me on my computer struggling to make worksheets that a woman (not L, I think) wants me to share with her. I'm having trouble getting a clear copy- it's too dark.

R is explaining he has taken a job out at sea. I think he's possibly heading to the Arctic circle. It means he has to go away for stretches of time.The dream goes old time (no sense of past life dreaming). I have 3 sons. They're 10, 8 and a baby. R needs the eldest 2 to come seafaring with him. I don't want the youngest to go with him as I'm afraid he's too young The 8 year old is insistent, so I make provisions for him to travel with R.

The other dreams weren't about R. In the final one I achieved a yoga position I haven't achieved in real life, so it possibly signified that I'd had some success in my endeavour to pick up information for him.

It didn't take long until I figured that this dream was also a tarot reading (I haven't read tarot for many years now). The seafarer was a clear indicator of the Wands suit. "Three sons" is indicative of the Empress,"The Mother"- Spiritual and material success, productivity overcoming obstacles; a card for letting go in order to move forward. The mother, Demeter, mourns the loss of her daughter, Persephone, when Hades kidnaps and marries her. It turns out several relatives have pressured R to embrace security and remain in a job that makes him feel miserable. His plan is to buy a franchise. The other cards, I believe, are the 8 and 10 of Wands, which again, in my view, encourage change. I sent R a book so he could read their specific meaning.

R is proceeding and feeling positive about it.

2nd December 2008, 09:23 AM
Actually the 3 and sea in your dream made me think of the 3 of wands in my Golden Tarot deck.

The book says:

A trader looks from a headland out over a harbor as one of his ships is loaded. He holds one wand and two more stand beside him.

Meaning: Anticipation and good timing. Vigilance and dedication shall be rewarded. Good business sense shall bring fortune. Association with boats, the sea, and journeys.


Neil Templar
2nd December 2008, 03:22 PM
okay, so if a person has no knowledge of the tarot, would their guides use a different way of telling them what they need to know.
or is the tarot like a universal language that we should all learn how to interpret properly to get the most meaning from our dreams/experiences?
i receive guidance in dreams, but i wonder if there's loads i'm missing out on cos i don't see the symbolism being used...

2nd December 2008, 03:35 PM
Hello, Neil.

I have no real knowledge of Tarot. I asked my guides a question I wrote down before going to sleep three days ago. I wrote a dream in my journal that in its whole composition IMO is an answer to what I've asked.

I asked: "What do I have to do while being awake to increase occurrence of lucidity and recall of my dreams and OBEs?"

I dreamt about playing a game of chess. While it unfolded, everything seemed normal. (BTW, I hate chess.) But at the end, when I really started playing, I got some good moves, but lost. Actually, the position on the board was impossible, game rules must have been violated. In contemplating the discrepancies in the dream itself I realised I had no real recollection of the moves that led there - my experience was discontinuous. I almost became fully lucid when realising that the rules of the game and reality in general had been broken.

When writing this down I realised that this dream contained multiple answers to my question:
* Check reality. Is the current situation logically possible?
* Check memory. Am I missing bits that explain the situation I am now in?
* Pay attention, or I'll never notice neither.

I think that is pretty good guidance on how to get lucid. Just accepting reality as it unfolds can make me fabricate explanations instead of becoming lucid. Gaps of memory or lack of real explanations that check out are common in dreams. By doing reality checks during the day I remind myself to look for these things in dreams.

I feel like I have been answered more than satisfactorily. :D


2nd December 2008, 11:55 PM
I been doing the same thing, I been using my tarot cards and asking my guides to give me a message through them. So far it has been working :D, I been getting some good messages through them.

3rd December 2008, 09:32 PM
Mishell, I considered Three of Wands, of course, but I decided there was a mother archetype at play because of the prominence of the role I played as mother in the dream and my anxiety about letting a child go. That part just felt like major arcana. Nonetheless, I'm thorough in these things and advised Rod to read the Three of Wands as well.

There was anxiety in the dream, of course, because it's one thing to dream for yourself but another thing when a friend is about to act on your dream. I analysed that dream in several ways, including psychologically.

Neil, it is my experience that your dreams will communicate to you in ways you can understand or are about to understand when the right time comes. So, they'll use symbols with which you're familiar but, sometimes, they'll pluck those symbols out of a future understanding at which you will arrive. In the latter, the dreams may not be so much predictive as instructive. Sometimes, too, dreams will be really literal.