View Full Version : The reason behind Astral Projection

26th November 2008, 04:18 AM
Why do you attempt Astral Projection?
What fire keeps you going after a series of failed attampts?
What is there that is supposed to be achieved?

26th November 2008, 04:32 AM
I desire to succeed in Astral Projection as part of a personal exploration process. I want to discover for myself whether there is reason to believe there is more to existence than our physical reality. Succeeding in Astral Projection will not only give me the first key in this mystery, it will give a platform from which to perform further experiments concerning the nature of existence and my place in it.

Right now, even attempting an out of body experience is a long ways away. In my pursuit of experiential knowledge I've come across many other fascinating aspects of "spirituality" that I'm currently exploring - primarily energy work and altered states of consciousness. It has also opened the door to deeper introspection and forced action in certain areas of my life that needed dealing with. My experiences thus far have been difficult but promising. I still can't say whether or not I believe there's actually such a thing as the astral realm or multidimensional existence, but I am open to the possibility that such things are true and am actively experimenting in order to determine if that is indeed the case.

26th November 2008, 01:17 PM
Why do you attempt Astral Projection? Because I can.

What fire keeps you going after a series of failed attampts? Originally it was a combination of knowing that a spontaneous process could be 'tamed', and knowing others had done it, so if they could, why couldn't I?

What is there that is supposed to be achieved? Not so much achieved- but 'What Is There' is 'The Big Picture'.

26th November 2008, 02:04 PM
I'm too lazy to give it a serious go... :P
I'm not so desperately motivated either... :roll:
But projecting while awake is on my "to do" list... :|

26th November 2008, 02:10 PM
Moved it from 'Success Stories', for obvious reasons.

Neil Templar
26th November 2008, 02:29 PM
Right now, even attempting an out of body experience is a long ways away. In my pursuit of experiential knowledge I've come across many other fascinating aspects of "spirituality" that I'm currently exploring ... It has also opened the door to deeper introspection and forced action in certain areas of my life that needed dealing with. My experiences thus far have been difficult but promising.

same goes for me.
the intent to learn wake induced AP has taken a back seat, there's so much more to learn about.. besides, when the time is right i'm sure i will feel the urge to focus on it.
for now the spontaneous APs and lucid dreams give me plenty to focus on.. and that pile of books i have still to get thru... :shock: :D

Palehorse Redivivus
26th November 2008, 05:17 PM
Deliberate AP has kind of taken a backseat for me too; I started out with an interest in metaphysics based on AP, but other areas of development and experience ended up being more pressing for me. I'm hoping to swing back around to AP sooner than later, but... we shall see I s'pose.

The main reason it still really appeals to me, is because it represents total freedom and endless opportunity for exploration. Freedom is one of my highest ideals, and being able to travel anywhere in the multiverse, meet and communicate with beings from all over, learn and have a blast doing it, sounds like a fun way to expand one's perspective in a way similar to how physical travel, and the advent of the internet have done. So for me it's about learning, experience and the unbridled ability to do both in whatever way I choose. :)

27th November 2008, 06:03 AM
Some benefits;

Freedom and feeling liberated - I don't know how many times I have gone through some tough times, or have been exhausted and had an astral travel that completely energized me and made me feel refreshed. Those are my favorite types, although rare.

Learning - there is much to learn about ourselves and the nature of reality, I was taught how to pray, telepathy, surrender, detachment, overcoming fear, and the nature of the astral world and beings it is comprised of.

Experience - I can say that it is very addictive once you start to experience it a few times, your hooked. With both the good and the bad, because the experiences are always unique. I rarely repeat the same thing twice or come across the same encounters, it is simply rich with activity and experiences.

I think Adventure, is the key word, and has helped me allot in my waken life.

27th November 2008, 07:06 AM
i remember reading in one of Bruce's books that you should not tak any preconceived notions of belief with you into the Astral Realms.
What has Astral Projection affected your belief structure?
I ask this because to tell the truth i have a hard time finding the truth in life and part of my reason for attempting astral projection is
to find some idea of the nature of reality.

27th November 2008, 08:38 AM
i remember reading in one of Bruce's books that you should not tak any preconceived notions of belief with you into the Astral Realms.
What has Astral Projection affected your belief structure?
I ask this because to tell the truth i have a hard time finding the truth in life and part of my reason for attempting astral projection is
to find some idea of the nature of reality.

When I said the nature of reality, I meant the reality of the astral world, and the waken one. I don’t know the ultimate truth behind it all, but little truths with different things. Based on my perception of reality before astral traveling, which I had no idea existed. You know, the common everyday stuff.


I would experience telepathy in a borderline state, feeling it at a specific part of my head (back left side). Later on, in my philosophy class, we had an exercise in telepathy, I got 5 out of 5 right, which 1 out of 5 I knew the sender was thinking about something else at the time...how I did it was by looking to that part of my head and clearing my mind, whatever jumped in that wasn't mine was someone else’s. Meditation helps in seeing it more clearly, but like all things you need to practice.

As far as finding truth, I learned to ask in a different way. More about my truth and reason for existing, and although I may learn pieces to the puzzle, I believe it is never completely solved because if it was you may miss the way to get there. Awareness has its pros and cons.

If this helps, sincerity and practice is pretty rewarding, prayer has been the most important thing I have learned coming full circle…I found all I needed to know and more than I wanted to know.

P.S. allot of what I am talking about occurred 16 years ago when I was most active. I was introduced to it by my philosophy teacher, but only told me how and not what to expect. I then was self taught. I didn't have any books to read, or internet to Google the subject on. I would have been in heaven having a forum like this, growing up.

1st December 2008, 10:43 PM
Before, I read so much about it.

Now that I have experienced it, is something to look forward, the feeling of freedom, able to do things that you never though of doing, flying, meet other places, other beings, it is amazing.

I re-discovered my true self. Knowing that this is not the only dimension, there are many more to explore, and that we are eternal beings, so much to learn.

1st December 2008, 11:29 PM
Before, I read so much about it.

Now that I have experienced it, is something to look forward, the feeling of freedom, able to do things that you never though of doing, flying, meet other places, other beings, it is amazing.

I re-discovered my true self. Knowing that this is not the only dimension, there are many more to explore, and that we are eternal beings, so much to learn.

That is the addictiveness of the astral...

Remember that you are born into a waken world, that is your purpose, as long as the astral is balanced and used in moderation it can be a healthy part of your life. Do not neglect your duties, the physical takes priority, and you should use the astral to help you get on track for your purpose in the world.

1st December 2008, 11:34 PM
The Difference between Meditation – Prayer – Astral Traveling;

Meditation - meditation helps to remove you from an immersive world which conditions us to see ourselves in a particular way. Media, friends and family who have been conditioned, it may be hard to believe but it conditions you. So meditation helps you step back and see what’s not you. You will notice more and more, even awaken other parts of yourself you never thought existed.

Prayer - prayer helps in connecting to your truth, your light, and the essence behind all things. It helps you understand yourself and the relationship with the universe in various steps. You can have some questions answered, manifest what you want in your life, or an understanding on how to manifest it yourself. "God helps those who help themselves"

The astral - the astral is a mix of experiences, and serve to help you go through things out side of your waken world, or better prepare you for what is coming. When you are conscious, your awareness eventually see's through those experiences, allowing you to experience higher level of experiences consciously, which is more difficult. Spiritual teachers is one of the benefits, but a true teacher or guide helps you without you being aware you are being helped. Everyone is different, and is guided differently.

4th December 2008, 12:16 AM
for me:

to better communicate with my HS/SG's, and other members of my 'team'

to be able to better 'coordinate' various 'things' that i am doing/trying to do.

it helps me to be able to put events in better perspective.

knowing that i have done it before, many times (back in the 80's), in fact was fairly 'proficient'.
and that i CAN get to that point again.

i also see it as almost a gauge on how well i'm healing my energy body. (which is not doing soo well)

i've used it in the past, when i was a long long way away from my wife and children, to help them when they needed it.

i've used it in the past, many times, to 'validate' what was going on in/around/outside of where i was physically, so that i could properly 'consider' my current situation.


it's a skill i've lost. due to my own fear, and stupidity. and fear is one of the major things i'm here to deal with. and from what i've heard, you can't fix stupid.


5th March 2009, 09:32 AM
Thanks slashrick that helped me,

I help allot of people and don't seem to get anywhere with them and often get frustrated. I thought it was me, but when I sent a suggestion to a doctor, in 2 days success. Then I go back to these others I have been working with for 5 years and they still keep making the same mistakes and scratching their heads.

I remembered what you said "you can't fix stupid"....priceless