View Full Version : Creating Astral Worlds & How To Visit Them

21st November 2008, 06:49 AM
Collectively, our thoughts and feelings can manifest worlds.

For example; there is a “Simpson World” I used to visit from time to time. I would open a portal-like window and fly into it. It was filled with the characters, or thought form of characters from the show, but in 3D. It was unpredictable, but fun nonetheless. I guess because TV and movies are so woven into our lives we collectively manifest these worlds, to be further entertained at night. I’ve created thought forms, and worlds in the past, but rarely. Creating worlds or thought forms, was done by imagining and feeling, willing it into existence as a whole. Visiting worlds is a bit different. I learned a trick a while back, in visiting worlds;

Create a world; give it a name or even a symbol for it. Share the name and symbol with others here on this thread.

Next time you are conscious in the astral, visualize the symbol and the name with the intention on going to that world. You may even ask for help from your guides. Closing your eyes may help, if you’re scared of heights.

Then post the details of the world you went to and see if it matches. Good Luck :wink:

16th December 2008, 05:04 AM
This is a novel concept and i believe that it has not gotten the appropriate attention it deserves so I am going to keep it active until some conclusion is reached on the properties of the "world creation" concept.

17th December 2008, 11:43 PM

When you are in the astral visualize a desire to visit, Essassani, the symbol is 3 dots in a triangle.

If you are afraid of heights or being out in space, close your eyes. Ask for help from your guides, if you are having difficulty. You may even visualize your desire to visit it by repeating it before bed.

18th December 2008, 12:00 AM
Manifesting thought forms is pretty common. I don't know how many times I manifested a fear, when I was in a strange astral world, my fear (emotion) and my thoughts (mind), would manifest the very thing I was worried about. After realizing that, I began to experiment in the astral by creating thought forms. I just used my imagination and visualized it to be in front of me, willing it into existence, and then try to talk to it, but it wouldn't do anything. I had to give it a level of intelligence.

The same applies to creating a world, the world may be different though, because you might be already in an astral world and when you begin, you'll disappear or phase into another world similar to what you were trying to create which already exists. I personally have only created 2-3 worlds I remember, and it was a while ago. You may not realize it but we all are constantly manifesting the worlds we visit, little additions which are always changing. the astral also follows a clock, worlds may change while you are in them...it is a strange thing, and in some cases we will experience tornados or natural disasters destroying everything, then in an instant is back to normal or an improvement. Still not sure about the reason for this.

Start off, with manifesting thought forms (entities), once you get the hang of it try working on worlds for others to visit.

23rd December 2008, 03:13 AM
Its difficult to learn, and different from the technique above, GOM describes going to places that exist, as opposed to creating one. Although it is easier to verify when someone from one of those worlds projects and visits you. Or you simply have enough astral/mental awareness to percieve what is going on.

25th December 2008, 06:36 AM
I always wondered if the physical is just another imagined world, but one that's been refined and solidified. Australian aboriginals talk of a time when everything on the planet was someone's dream. If I read correctly, their Grey-like deities (the Wandjina) said there was a 'dream period' when all things were designed, and when this dream period ended, it became solid matter.

Another thing I've heard is some humanoids create physical objects by setting up sub-atomic 'fields' that - when bombarded with plasma - become atomically perfect objects according to the field's design. From the descriptions, the field seems to exist on a layer of reality similar to the astral. I wonder if we create these fields in dream worlds and solidify them as more energy is introduced to the dream.

More wild speculation as always

29th January 2009, 06:32 PM
Shelakai's Grove

While I've created an interesting place, I haven't done it while actually projected. More like phasing... I'd love to share it. It's kind of a puzzle... But I haven't come up with a name. The symbol is basically a purple, star filled vertical rectangle, on top of which is a sunlike dot, followed by a smaller, silver moonlike dot.

EDIT: I've named it Shelakai's Grove. If you do it correctly, you should be standing in a room made of gold, with a pedestal in the middle. The whole place is a puzzle of sorts, for love, will, and sight.

After you have solved the pedestal, the next room will not allow you to move as you usually would. This is the will test. I've also played around with Philip Pullman's daemon idea, and a part of you should be projected into an ethereal creature. There should be an object several meters in front of you for you to touch, and then two trees to the left and right of that altar.

2nd May 2009, 03:58 AM
That is incredible!
For awhile there, I was horridly afraid that 90% of the manifested worlds out there were going to be some cliched anime or nerd's paradise, but your idea of actually exploiting the Astral terrain for intellectual uses is incredibly reassuring. I will make sure that such a plane will be the first among those I visit if I ever find a knack for this OBE thing.

18th May 2009, 08:00 PM
Simply being conscious and exploring the terrain, astral body and the life forms in a scientific analysis of how everything works is different than being unconscious in a paradise. Regardless of where you are consciously evolves you.

Often I don't have the patients to create my own, I like to see what’s out there and not know what’s around the corner.

I posted this topic hoping to see what level of experience some of the more well practiced astral travellers are at and the fact that no one touched on this technique I learned when I was 17 years old. This technique takes allot of discipline and practice, not just to be able to do it, but to remember to do it when conscious in the astral.

19th May 2009, 08:50 PM
That is incredible!
For awhile there, I was horridly afraid that 90% of the manifested worlds out there were going to be some cliched anime or nerd's paradise, but your idea of actually exploiting the Astral terrain for intellectual uses is incredibly reassuring. I will make sure that such a plane will be the first among those I visit if I ever find a knack for this OBE thing.

Nope; this place definitely sprang directly from my mind and the closest thing I could relate to it is the alien beach scene in Contact... except not really.
If anyone manages to go there, I'd be interested to hear about it. I'm curious as to whether other people will experience it exactly as I created it, or just in the same symbolic sense.