View Full Version : I have not been able to have OBE's

18th November 2008, 01:38 AM
I have not been able to have OBE's lately. I do not know if it is because I relied a lot on the vibrations, usually when I am sleep I am able to feel the vibrations and I right away relax and let it happen, is so wonderful! When I am out, the only thing I can think of is just run out to have fun. Someone mention that probably was that my energy levels have been so low due to a lot of stress. (Could that be true?). I have been working on raising my energy without success. I need advise.

18th November 2008, 09:24 AM
Hmmm. That is quite a mixed batch of a story. Maybe we should disentangle the separate facts so they can be addressed.

So - did you get the vibrations when your mind (not your body) was still conscious and aware?

Actually you might have OBEs and just forget them - the problem is recall and it can be worked on in several different ways. One of them is a dream/OBE journal. Robert mentions this and many more in his "Mastering Astral Projection" (MAP) book.

If you have a lot of stress, meditation is an apropriate tool. It helps working at the original problem - the feeling of stress and being overwhelmed. Raising your energy is a different tool, and might have different effects.

Raising energy IMO is doing two things - giving you a short-term boost of energy for a projection attempt or before falling asleep (for lucid dreaming or natural projection recall) and starting to develop your energy storage capacity in the long term by practicing every day. It will not so much combat stress at first, but it might help flush out energetic blockages in the long run when your energy levels rise higher and higher.

Other OBE helping tools are training trance while being awake, cleaning your energy body with NEW, affirmations and "dry run" exercises. All of them described in MAP, and some in "Energy Work", too.

Take good care,

18th November 2008, 09:48 PM
Thank you Oliver. I will work on that!

19th November 2008, 01:18 AM
From what I found is that you have to be in that half awake half asleep state. My experiences have usually happened during sleep and then become aware all of a sudden and realize I am in bed and then go on to float up. I have never been able to OBE while still awake. I used to think that's how an OBE should be. But when I read other people's accounts, almost all of them happen in a trance state. That's how I realized what I have had were OBEs. I bet you have had a few as well, but just didn't realize it.

Journals, regular chakra work and energy work do help a lot.

In my case, I also found that busy working and sound sleeping at night definitely does not help at all. I only get to do energy work maybe once a week, but I practice chakra work almost every day. It at least keep me energetic every day.

20th November 2008, 03:24 AM
Thank you, for the advice, and new information, that make sense.

20th November 2008, 01:23 PM
I also think that there is a thread somewhere around here about what to do when you don't get vibrations anymore. I believe I need to find it and sticky it, because as people get more proficient I am seeing this question pop up more and more often.

20th November 2008, 10:31 PM
I just read the information in what to do when you get to the point of not feeling vibrations. I will try some of those.