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17th November 2008, 08:21 PM
need some advice on this one...just thought about it last night. It all happened when i was about 13 or 14. i was laying in bed and fell into my body and woke up like you would if you had a normal projection. well i go back to sleep and i end up gettin sleep paralysis. so i am laying there with (now i realize that it was astral sight) with my eyes open and all of a sudden i feel something like a cat at my head. you know how you can be in bed and the cat jumps up and you can feel it press into the bed? well whatever it was i could feel walk a circle around my body and lay at my head. now i can see if you are like that and hear stuff but so far havent read anything about feeling stuff. after it lays at my head i feel a moment of peace and then i wake up and start looking around and there is nothing there so i turn over and go back to sleep lol. any suggestions?

17th November 2008, 08:26 PM
I feel stuff on occasion, but not of the cat variety. Do you have cats? I'm thinking you're visited by a projecting cat while in the hypnogogic state. I've never felt threatened by the guy that visits me, so I never thought of trying to get rid of it.

17th November 2008, 08:36 PM
i had a cat that i loved oh so much and he died...we were really connected and were able to understand each other on a personal basis i guess you could say. lol but one time i had come home for a visit and as soon as pulled up in the yard here he comes a runnin. so cool but yeah had a cat at that time so maybe he was asleep and came to visit me :)

18th November 2008, 12:01 AM
I think that's what it is. Your cat probably doesn't know it's dead and is coming to visit you, something you can only perceive when in trance.

18th November 2008, 12:17 AM
thanks for the info

20th November 2008, 03:16 AM
When I started having vivid dreams, I had what is called a shamanic journey. During this journey I met and spoke with my spirit animal, (a bird). Lately, I had another journey when this bird change to a white falcon and spoke with it too. I do not know if this has to do with the experience you had. I know they are with you. Because when I met a lady who is clairvoyant she mentioned that she was able to see a bird on my shoulder, nobody knew about this.

20th November 2008, 06:20 PM
thats cool. probably was a shamanic journey. when it first happened thats what i thought it was then did some research and the owl showing up was matching with what was going on in my life...i hope that the bird wouldnt be on my shoulder cause she was huge!!!!