View Full Version : Two very awkward dreams

15th November 2008, 09:06 PM
Hello everyone. I just remembered two strange dreams I had a long time ago (sometimes they pop up). I can't remember the first one completely, and am sad about it, and the second one brought a strange twist to it.

The first dream, I was in a house, doing something I can't recall. The next I know, the walls fall out like a cardboard box, or a cube opening up, and there is this being floating above it. I then realise I had been dreaming, and it was over, that this was totally different (felt real to me). This being took me to outer space to what it seemed to me the end of the solar system and showed me a totally blue planet, and explained to me people would go there (don't know why, when, how) and he also told me the name of the planet. I think I remember it had an "m" in it, which is what makes me a little sad, since I couldn't find anything on it at the time. Does anyone have any idea of what this could be about? Now I remember it I relate to projection, and wondered if this could have anything to do with the astral pulse (haven't read anything yet, but I'm reading my way through astral dynamics).

Second dream, I was standing with a lab coat and someone was present. One person holding a wand. And I felt really angry (I almost never feel angry, this actually scared me a little), and when I felt something fall to the ground (a piece of clothing, or a pen) I just willed it up on my hand, like telechinesis. Then I realised someone else being there, hooded and hidden. And when I tried to know who that was, they both disappeared.

So, a good dream and a weird dream. The second one could be just my dream mind playing tricks, but why would two people be so scared as to vanish when I tried to identify them? But it seems to have no logical sequence of events, or no purpose to some actions therein (why angry? why telechinesis if I had NEVER been able to do it, even when in some degree of control over my dreams? How did I do it so well and easily? Maybe it's nothing...)

Any thoughts on this would be most appreciated, since mine are run out. Thanks.