View Full Version : Unusual lucid experience

15th November 2008, 11:49 AM
Unfortunately I fell asleep immediately after thinking "I have to write this down!"... :?

What I remember is this: Suddenly I ask myself "Is this real?" and start to analyse it. I seem to walk a gravel path. It seems real enough, but there is this quality of switching in and out of it - as soon as I ask myself "Is this real?" I switched into the gravel scene, and I must have noticed it. So I switch "back to my body" and realise "It was a dream after all" and remember some other bits about it.

Strangely unable to do something about it I seem to be stuck in my body and finally wake up. Or at least I think so. Maybe it was a false awakening. My mind state was so unreal - in the middle of waking and sleeping I guess.

I still remember the sound of gravel making crunchy noises below my feet when I put myself into the scene to test it. I do not exactly know where I went when I decided that this was a dream... :?

But what counts: another lucid experience! :D No wonder - I started reading another Kurt Leland book yesterday. His writings about Otherwhere always increase my urge to experience more out of body. :)
