View Full Version : non-physical in-dream contact

12th November 2008, 09:08 PM

Long time was since I was here and now I have something that is bothering me. But before I start I just want to explain something about my dreaming. In the last few years I have developed a system (or skill) where I can immediately start a lucid dream when I'm tired. It basically works like this: I lay down and think a lot about stuff and then suddenly I'm in a lucid dream with this stuff around me. These can by anything from items to persons. I normally don't interfere with the dream just "watch myself dreaming" but sometimes I influence and direct the dream.

On the other hand I don't like the christian religion. I have a few very bad experiences and from what I saw they're just a bunch power and money hungry maniacs. There are a few exceptions that really believe in what they believe and I'm sorry for those lucky few that they are used in this way.

Now, on to the dream. Yesterday a christian priest was forbidden to hold or talk anything religion related. The other priests are afraid of him because this man has some kind of power. He is very charismatic and he can heal and people just flock to him. It's a bad thing that this religion got hold of him. So I saw this in the news and just ignored it as I normally ignore most of the news. When I got to sleep I got into a lucid dream before actually falling asleep and this dream lasted unusually long.

Suddenly, before the dream ended something very strange happened. This priest's face appeared in my dream. He looked like he suddenly realized somebody is watching him and he turned his face and looked at me. He got very angry and I felt some emotions like "why are you here? what do you want? leave me alone!" and he just turned around and disappeared. This would be perfectly normal but the problem is that I was completely sure the actual priest was aware that I'm dreaming him. I'm just sure, but can't explain how, that I actually met him and his conscience and that he was just not an object in my dream.

I can't explain how but this never felt like a dream with no realism. It was like I was really next to him somewhere and he didn't like it. I wonder if any of you had similar contact with someone? Were you able to confirm such a contact with another person? Do you believe it's possible to repeat this? And how?

I was absolutely not thinking about him and there was nothing in the dream that would lead to him. I was also not trying to influence the dream in any way. Also not that I was perfectly aware and sane while having this lucid dream.

Please no flaming related to what I said about the religion above. I have very strong reasons and a lot of experiences to believe what I believe. I intended no flame - just wanted to explain my standing to the facts and persons in the dream.

12th November 2008, 11:24 PM
Now, on to the dream. Yesterday a christian priest was forbidden to hold or talk anything religion related. The other priests are afraid of him because this man has some kind of power. He is very charismatic and he can heal and people just flock to him. It's a bad thing that this religion got hold of him. So I saw this in the news and just ignored it as I normally ignore most of the news. When I got to sleep I got into a lucid dream before actually falling asleep and this dream lasted unusually long. I'm confused. Are you saying that in real life there is a priest that you know has certain powers and you dreamed about him? Or you dreamed about a priest that is supposed to have this power, etc?

Please no flaming related to what I said about the religion above. I have very strong reasons and a lot of experiences to believe what I believe. I intended no flame - just wanted to explain my standing to the facts and persons in the dream. Then perhaps you could change what you said in the next line, so it doesn't read like an insult:

I have a few very bad experiences and from what I saw they're just a bunch power and money hungry maniacs. There are a few exceptions that really believe in what they believe and I'm sorry for those lucky few that they are used in this way. Like "they're just a..." could go like "a lot of the ones I've met are..." would sound a bit more respectful and get you less apt to get officially warned about the rules.