View Full Version : Dead Aunt showed me other lives.. Elemental spirits.

Neil Templar
12th November 2008, 05:50 PM
two mornings ago..
i dreamed i was with my Mum, and my Aunt, my Mum's Sister, who's been dead for many years now.
I've dreamed about her on a few occasions, and have woken in tears every time.
Twice i've felt her presence in my room afterwards, which was really lovely to feel.

this time was different tho.
she looked to me like a decomposing corpse. i could still tell that it was her tho, by the feeling of her.
she and my mum and i were outside the gates of medieval Edinburgh. (where we're all from)
the scene was discoloured, like a dark sepia "old-timey" sorta look.
we were walking around in the long grass, and scattered all around on the ground were lots of photos.
when i picked one up, i could see on it a moving image...
closer investigation showed that it was a scene from my childhood. i was young, playing on my bike with my friends, making jumps out of the earth in the wasteground near where we lived. something i loved as a kid! :D

i looked at some of the other photos, and saw a couple of other scenes from my childhood..
then i noticed that some of them were a different boy's childhood.
he looked quite similar to me, but it wasn't me! :shock:
i said to my dead Aunt "that's not my life!"
and she said "these are all your life"
looking at a few more, i saw scenes unfolding that seemed to be set in different time periods, from different people's lives.

then as i looked at the ground some more "photos" manifested.
on them were dark images of trees, which seemed to have faces within the leaves.
i picked them up and arranged them into a group, at which point they came to life.
my Aunt told me they were Elemental spirits.
she showed me some holes that lead into the ground, and said that the Elementals had come out of the earth.
then to my left, a blue coloured being manifested, holding some kind of musical instrument.
he looked kinda goblin-esque, but not frightening to behold. i had the feeling he was a water spirit.
he proceeded to play a spooky tune and dance around..

my Mum, myself and my Aunt walked over to the gates of the city, the walls of the buildings seemed to be carved out of the earth.
i could feel a magical energy emanating from the walls, like each building had a life of it's own.. old magic kinda feel.. hard to describe.. it felt dark but not evil.. i detected what i can only describe as a contempt for the modern world/way of life..

then the alarm went off!! :evil:

12th November 2008, 08:48 PM
Wow that's great! Very Harry Potterish with the photos. 8)

12th November 2008, 11:28 PM
Very interesting and romantic. I have some ideas about the state of your aunt's body and the castle's atmosphere, but am reluctant to say anything.

Neil Templar
13th November 2008, 03:41 AM
i'd be interested in hearing what you have to say CF.
PM me when you can, cheers.