View Full Version : Girl from my dreams

12th November 2008, 02:13 PM
For as long as I can remember I have had these dreams of a girl who I feel to have a very strong affinity to. The strange thing is I can never get a clear image of her also im not even sure she looks the same every time but when I feel her energy and I recognize it immediately. Every morning after this I wake with a sense of longing and sadness that I am no longer with her. It is particularly bad today and im wondering if any of you have any ideas what this continuous event might signify from a spiritual standpoint. Just to clarify a bit, this is not a recurring dream it is always different, the only common denominator is the energy I feel from this other being.

13th November 2008, 11:27 PM
Yeah, in some of my recent dreams, there are a lot of random girls that I'm with; girls that I don't know. Each one is different in some way but at the same time, have a "feeling" with them.

What this feeling is, I don't know. Who knows. But they are pleasant, atleast those parts of the dreams.

16th November 2008, 11:08 PM
I know what your saying but this particular girl is recurring and it feels we have an energetic connection or a sort.

23rd November 2008, 07:37 PM
Wow Ghost we seem to have the same problem but me with a man.I looked at your profile and your previous posts.I hope you don't mind me saying this but it's kind of weird you being 21 and having a midlife crisis,lol.Yep,I've had reccuring dreams too and they are all different and i'm always with the same man for a very long time,years actually but they've been happening more often ever since my K awakening in June 06 and then i found out who the man was in actuallity.In Dec.06 we saw each other and all i have to say about the experience is that it was out of this world for me but he was frozen the whole time and had his mouth and eyes wide open,frozen in shock or whatever.I am still dreaming about him maybe about once a month.In sept this man who looked like him followed me on the bus all the way home but it wasn't him because i immediately got this feeling and saw flashes in my mind that he was there to spy on me.He asked me for my phone # and i gave it to him but i have yet to hear from him.Intresting,isn't it ?! :? :shock: :roll:

23rd November 2008, 07:45 PM
Oops Ghost, forgot to ask you if you feel this warmth and love exchange coming from her and maybe you feel it in your chest too ? It kind of feels like a comfy,fuzzy,wozzy love feeling but it's more than that actually.It's an exchange at the soul level and it's very,very rare,i am told. :D :shock:

25th November 2008, 05:47 PM
I know the concept of a twin soul is not that popular, however what has been described fits this profile perfectly.

When you think of your twin as an energy being like yourself, it starts to make sense. Each of us has particular points of view and heart centered association with various goals and objectives. Once you can accept that there is another being who is also in full alignment with your soul's expression, it is logical that you would spend a lot of time together working together toward common areas of interest.

These things have always taken place. What is new is that some of this work is being consciousally remembered from your dream state.


25th November 2008, 05:56 PM
Maybe that girl is sort of your companion. A soulmate if you will. Maybe you have traveled together and had various relations througout many incarnations.

26th November 2008, 02:18 PM
On the concept of twin souls I have something to add.I never knew that they existed until that day that I saw the man I've been dreaming about for so long.For me it felt like time stopped and there was just the two of us and nothing else mattered.All I could feel was this warmth and love and joy exhange between me and him and it felt like I knew him forever and there's not a doubt in my mind that he is my twin soul,lol.I was told to walk away because he wasn't ready and there will be another time we will see each other again.I saw his aura too or his higher self above him and it was this golden yellow light floating above him and it was daytime when we met.Simply amazing and out of this world ! I couldn't help but smile at him and while i was overcome by joy I started giggling.Did I tell you guys that there were other people on the street but I was blind to them and I am shy,lol. :D :shock: :lol:

26th November 2008, 08:06 PM
That is awesome niki!