View Full Version : 2 questions about your neg experiences

9th November 2008, 05:00 PM
Hello, Robert.

I have two questions regarding your experiences with negative entities:


Do you think it is part of your purpose in this life to have all these experiences with negative entities, and also deal away with them, being a "born ghostbuster"? Do you think this is why you had so many experiences with them when many people don't have any?


Kurt Leland wrote that from his study and theosophy and his own experiences, that the mental plane is already too close to Source to allow for negative entities to exist. He says that negative entities exist in some kind of opposition to Source unity, and are only encountered in the astral plane or lower. Is that your experience, too?


Robert Bruce
11th October 2009, 04:40 PM

1. Yes, I think this is so. I have no other explanation for this.

2. Yes and no. The subtle planes, astral, mental, etc, each contain a spectrum. The astral and mental planes, for example, each have a Real Time aspect that is close to the physical dimension.

It is a mistake, I think, to consider each subtle plane to extend from the highest part of the previous. So, to reach the mental plane of existence, you do not need to first achieve the highest level of the astral plane. You can go right to it, and often do.

Dreaming, I think, occurs in the mental plane. This includes lucid dreaming. I can think of no other explanation that fits my experience in the astral and mental realms. For more on this, see my new edition of Astral Dynamics at... http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/inde ... Itemid=109 (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=235%3Aastral-dynamics-the-complete-book-of-out-of-body-experiences&catid=87&Itemid=109)

This explains my thinking in more detail.

So, in that sense, negative entities can only exist comfortably in the lower levels of any dimension. This of course depends greatly upon the evolution of negative entities in question. Its easy to say 'they are dark beings so they are banned from here and there' but in reality, we simply do not know. I have seen negative entities in lower levels of the astral and mental dimensions, so that is certainly food for thought.

Again, we do not know enough. Most of what people, and authors, say about these matters does not come from direct personal experience, but from belief and theory.

I do not know everything about these matters, but what I do know is fairly solid and rooted in direct personal experience.
