View Full Version : Monroe's Resonant Tuning VS NEW energy raising?

8th November 2008, 10:29 PM

I'll keep this as short and sweet as poss. I have recently purchased TMI "Gateway Wave I (Focus 10)", and have "Astral Dynamics" and "MAP" in my library (although I regret I haven't yet started the NEW or MAP exercises), and was thinking of incorporating NEW into the Gateway exercises?! These are my questions...

1. First, have you any input on this incorporation of Gateway and NEW? Is this advisable, or are they better used alone?

2. Is Monroe's "Resonant Tuning" the same as NEW energy raising?

3. If so, is it as effective?

4. Also, I cannot remember the exact words, but Mr. Bruce suggests that drawing energy and storing this energy anywhere above the Sub-Navel (I think?) is potentially dangerous. Wheres Monroe's Resonant Tuning guides the listener to draw energy from all part of body and store in the head? Which one is correct?

So, I am a bit confused. I would be grateful for any input and appreciate the time...

Thanks and kind Regards,

Kent, England

Robert Bruce
10th October 2009, 04:41 PM

Yes, Gateway and Energy Work go well together. I know several TMI outreach trainers who use my energy work in their courses with great success. It virtually eliminates click out problems.

No, Resonant tuning uses an 'aummm' sound to gather energy. This works, but body awareness energy work is much more effective and versatile.

Drawing energy to the higher centers can cause predictable emotional and mental/psychic instability problems, but this is not exactly dangerous.

Monroe's method is more a way of exciting the energy body, and not of actually raising and storing energy into the storage centers. So this is quite different.

These two methods can be safely combined.

I suggest you read my book, Energy Work. http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/inde ... Itemid=109 (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=234&Itemid=109) as this will explain things better.
