View Full Version : Are dead people dreaming?

8th November 2008, 12:40 PM
In practically every psychic medium book I own (and this site really), it says dreams are close encounters with the spirit world.

I have a question... are dead people dreaming?

8th November 2008, 04:19 PM
Not so fast.
In Otherwere, Kurt Leland reports that the dreamworld (or dream pools*, as Robert calls them) is the only part of the astral that dead people are not allowed to enter- that in dreams that turn out to be visitations, you're the one coming to them, not them to you, because it's not allowed. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, I suppose. Like personal space in waking reality.
In The lost Secret of Death the author proposes that the part of you that has no ability to receive physical input (your subconscious) continues to dream, and the dreams become part of their reality, the Akashic Library (or become hauntings) while the conscious part of you goes on to reincarnate- so whoever you meet in the afterlife are living in a dream with little hope of getting out unless some reintegration happens- so that would be your dead people dreaming the mediums are talking about-
So dreams are not close encounters with the spirit world- they are forays into your own personal space in the astral.
Yes, the dead are in the astral, but in different regions.
When we dream about the dead, if it's a regular dream created by our subconscious.
If we really interact with a dead person, it's not in personal dreamspace, it's on a trip to the astral.
Same 'place', different 'regions'.

This is how the subconscious mind creates dreams: By tuning into the astral dimension during sleep, it can create any scenario it wishes. This is the subconscious mind's way of solving problems and of communicating with the conscious mind. It creates a series of complex thought form scenarios and projects them into the mind stuff of the astral dimension, where they become solid. The conscious mind then lives through and experiences these created scenarios in the dream state. In a way its like a movie projector (subconscious mind) projecting onto a movie screen (astral dimension).
http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials ... art-1.html (http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials/astral-projection/part-1.html)