View Full Version : My nightmare with Barack Obama (...US President)

1st November 2008, 09:54 AM
I was at some humungous pizza place, on a date with this girl that I don't know. So already this date is weird...I don't even know who it is. This place looked like a school cafeteria. Very white with long tables and bench seats. How romantic. I order my pizza or try too, I don't remember if I ever got it ordered. But out of nowhere, the loudspeaker of the place says:

"All those voting for Barack Obama please stand up. All of those that won't, stay seated."

Now, I don't like the candidates, nor do feel that I should believe these people to have power over me. But I look around and see that everyone is standing up and maybe two people out of this packed place are staying seated. I with my genius, un-awkwardly decide to stand halfway. I start nodding my head like I'm some great liar, trying to fool everyone that I am a supporter…but not at the same time.

This is around the time that the actual Barack Obama (in my dream) comes to the place I was eating to rally his fans. This didn't seem to out of place because these politicians go everywhere and if you want to seek them out, you can meet them despite their celebratory status. So, believe it. Anyway, this is all still part of a dream, if only I knew that this would shift into a nightmare, I would of braced myself for the fear. (instead of the pain? Cool huh?)

He starts walking around and the people are all excited. I just can't believe that this man is here. He walks close to my area meeting everyone, shaking their hand. He puts his out and he can tell that I really don't want to touch the guy. I can't even fake it. He looks kind of pissed at me and he just puts off this weird chill. Once he leaves I start talking to someone, I think it’s the girl, but I state how I don't like these media fabricated candidates that ask power from the people. Something I say resonates with this person and this Barack gets triggered to my words.

He comes over to me, stands next to me, and for whatever reason I'm getting kind of scared. He won't leave. I look at him and want to say something that will make him leave happy, and tell him that "I can't wait to vote for you". But I couldn't act sincere and he knowingly grabs my shoulder with his right hand. This super cold chill rushes through my body. It felt like vix body rub magnified by 10 times. I knew right then and there that this man was pure evil and I didn't want anything to do with him in anyway. He wouldn't let go and I start to hit him. He felt so powerful and I so helpless that I am really scared and desperate to get this "thing" off me. I hit him and just flail my arms and legs. I try to yell for help to the people around me, but I could tell that this cold he was injecting in me was doing...something. I couldn't speak straight, all my words were being chopped up. My head was shifting in directions slightly that I couldn't control. He lifts me up over his shoulder with his icy grips all over me. I thought that this must of looked odd and revealing to the people and try my hardest to call to them. I tell them that this man is evil, that we shouldn't listen to them, blah blah blah, anything to convince them to help me.

I look at the Obama count drop. There were those that did nothing and a few people who left the table, rushing over to help. I don't remember how but I got out of his clutches. These people who trying to attack Obama as well, knowing that he is evil. I run over to a closet and grab some coat hangers and anything I could find. This Obama was no ordinary man, he was built like a rock. I pass them to people and we start trying to beat him back. (Yep, we beat Obama with coat hangers) Meanwhile I'm trying to convince more people to help me. Telling one man that all of our Presidents are less then extraordinary men, and do not represent the high tiers of the American people, and are fabricated, and that we don't have to listen to these men on soapboxes. This man agreed to help and was looking for his son and then....

This music started to play...like in a movie. It has creepy music and I have become so assimilated to media movies that I go along with it. I knew it meant that something happened to this guys son helping me. This was no longer a presidential candidate but an evil being/monster. I assumed the worse but saw Obama dead on the floor. I see his spirit leave his body and go into some older women...who turned into rock solid monster as well and I try my best to stab this thing. It doesn't work but the nightmare ends. I wake up, and I type this.

Was this an important dream or just a politically fueled nightmare? Whatever it was it was doing something to me. I don’t want to know what would of happened if I couldn’t of got out of it.

1st November 2008, 04:56 PM
IMO it was a combination of politically induced/conspiracy theory/eschatological theory - nightmare fueled by your subconscious impulses- impulses that you've probably repressed, and are now coming around to scare you.

2nd November 2008, 04:14 PM
But I have no theories. Everything I usually discuss needs no research to understand. I always strip things down to their rawest element.

Nothing can represent me but me. A government does not exist because it is not a living breathing thing. It is a combination of real elements but its power of existence is only in your mind.

2nd November 2008, 08:55 PM
But I have no theories. Everything I usually discuss needs no research to understand. I always strip things down to their rawest element.

Nothing can represent me but me. A government does not exist because it is not a living breathing thing. It is a combination of real elements but its power of existence is only in your mind. Apparently you don't understand what I meant. I didn't say they were your theories- I said it was a combo of theories you have been exposed to- anyone in this election has received the same plethora of hate emails (at least in the US) linking Obama to a variety of scary institutions, depending on where their prejudices lie. Whether you buy into this hatemongering is besides the point- your subconscious mind catalogues the information and then presents them to you via dreams. And if in any way you have any affinity for any of this type of theory, whether it's connected to politics or not, it will come back to you as a nightmare, or as wish-fulfillment- depending on how much you have been predisposed to it.
This has nothing to do with what you consciously believe.

5th November 2008, 10:14 PM
Dear SleepGOTweird.

I would like to share what I felt reading your dream and what I would feel if it was my dream - but I think you need to ask yourself - did you wake up feeling scared or were you frightened only in your dreams. I feel that our emotions show us the way and when we wake up from dreaming with fear or anxiety and feel the fear that we felt in the dream - like it really happened - then I think it should be looked at more closely and an action needs to be taken.

I have had uneasy dreams about Obama myself. So, if this was my dream, I would think of the Pizza place as almost Institutional as I view our government feels institutional to me - meaning, robotic - everything done automatic without emotion or lacking - somewhat like a flock following without knowing why it is following. Sort of like you felt like you needed to follow - to be a part of the crowd - because you felt unsafe or survival instincts or whatever your reason. It would seem that the crowd was almost blindly following.

I do not get into politics - but I do listen to the parts that I am guided to through my dreams.

Here's what I feel - I feel that Obama is almost too good to be true. That there is something negative - something hidden. I wasn't too happy when I heard part of his celebration speech where he commented that we might not like what he will need to do in the beginning - but that we will see the purpose. Hmm? Why wasn't that part of his campaign?? Already the "feeling" of his speech of his intent - no his intent but the feeling of his intent has seemed to change.

So, the coat hangers - I would look at this as an object that holds the cover up - a coat covers up. So, I truly feel that there is something hidden - and not just normal politician promises that don't come true - but something that could change our paths.

I feel that in the dream you were awake to see these possibilities and that others were in a daze or a sort of sleep just following and you were trying to wake them up or help others become aware.

The coldness that you felt I believe is significant - when I encounter true negativity (not just someone doing something wrong) in my dreams - their touch - their look - their inner power feels cold - like dry ice or something painful to touch.

When I have these feelings in my dream - I do take them as a warning.

So, action - what kind of actions can we take. We could return to beyond meditative state - to that conscious dreaming state - Alpha and Theta or Alpha and Delta state and send good energy to Obama for right choice - send good energy to the People of the United States to see truth. Send good energy to Mother Earth to support us during these changes. Bring the light - the awareness of the light to the situation and beyond to expand out like ripples in a pond so that even what we cannot see could be healed.

I believe we see / dream for a reason and that our dreams need positvie actions - even if it is only sharing sometimes to help others through example.

Thank you for sharing.

7th November 2008, 02:00 AM
Dear SleepGOTweird.

I would like to share what I felt reading your dream and what I would feel if it was my dream - but I think you need to ask yourself - did you wake up feeling scared or were you frightened only in your dreams. I feel that our emotions show us the way and when we wake up from dreaming with fear or anxiety and feel the fear that we felt in the dream - like it really happened - then I think it should be looked at more closely and an action needs to be taken.

I have had uneasy dreams about Obama myself. So, if this was my dream, I would think of the Pizza place as almost Institutional as I view our government feels institutional to me - meaning, robotic - everything done automatic without emotion or lacking - somewhat like a flock following without knowing why it is following. Sort of like you felt like you needed to follow - to be a part of the crowd - because you felt unsafe or survival instincts or whatever your reason. It would seem that the crowd was almost blindly following.

I do not get into politics - but I do listen to the parts that I am guided to through my dreams.

Here's what I feel - I feel that Obama is almost too good to be true. That there is something negative - something hidden. I wasn't too happy when I heard part of his celebration speech where he commented that we might not like what he will need to do in the beginning - but that we will see the purpose. Hmm? Why wasn't that part of his campaign?? Already the "feeling" of his speech of his intent - no his intent but the feeling of his intent has seemed to change.

So, the coat hangers - I would look at this as an object that holds the cover up - a coat covers up. So, I truly feel that there is something hidden - and not just normal politician promises that don't come true - but something that could change our paths.

I feel that in the dream you were awake to see these possibilities and that others were in a daze or a sort of sleep just following and you were trying to wake them up or help others become aware.

The coldness that you felt I believe is significant - when I encounter true negativity (not just someone doing something wrong) in my dreams - their touch - their look - their inner power feels cold - like dry ice or something painful to touch.

When I have these feelings in my dream - I do take them as a warning.

So, action - what kind of actions can we take. We could return to beyond meditative state - to that conscious dreaming state - Alpha and Theta or Alpha and Delta state and send good energy to Obama for right choice - send good energy to the People of the United States to see truth. Send good energy to Mother Earth to support us during these changes. Bring the light - the awareness of the light to the situation and beyond to expand out like ripples in a pond so that even what we cannot see could be healed.

I believe we see / dream for a reason and that our dreams need positvie actions - even if it is only sharing sometimes to help others through example.

Thank you for sharing.

I like your post, and that you only live about an hour from me. Heh. Anyway, let me see if I can still answer your questions. As the days go by, it only gets more hazy.

I think I felt relieved when I woke up. But in my dream, I remember having access clearly to all my thoughts that I would have in my consciousness. I don't know if I always have that ability or not, but I know I did, and was confident that I had all of my knowledge. I could debate in my dreams very well...heh. So because of that, it felt very real. Sometimes when I dream, I think I maybe dreaming, but I never have enough time to tell. This time I was convinced I was a real boy!

The last thing I remember, when the dream felt like it was winding down, and revealing itself to me that this nightmare was going to end, there was some evil spirit in a women that I believed to be in Barack. It was just as tough as Barack, but I was more scared because I knew that it would keep possessing people. I wake up, relieved...I don't know if I was scared...but I didn't want to go back to sleep incase I had another nightmare. I was scared in the dream of course, but when I woke up, I knew that I was safe for that moment in time.

Interesting take on the school cafeteria looking pizza place. Yes, it felt cold and robotic. That when I woke up, I thought the whole look of it was out of place. Why would I ever go there with some girl I didn't even know? Ha. I remember everything being very white. The room, the tables. Everything. You were right when you said that I felt unsafe when I was singled out when people were asked to show their vote. When he came out, I was scared, because I knew that I wasn't able to act or show a face. I couldn't, I was unable to deceive, and I knew he would see right through me. I remember thinking that.

Nowadays, I feel like I have some knowledge that could be a venom to the system. That I could share it with people and it would all unravel. Whether that is true or not, I felt that Obama knew what I was and what I stood for. That I was trouble for his plans. I couldn't hide it and he attacked me. Almost like in the second matrix movie where Smith stuck his hand into Neo and something was happening to him; something that turned other people into him. Maybe that's where it came from, because Neo said that the experience was "cold".

"- their touch - their look - their inner power feels cold - like dry ice or something painful to touch."

Yes. This is the first time I have had something like this, but your description is exactly right. The look, the touch, like dry ice. It was painful to touch. It's like, it didn't exactly hurt, but I knew it was bad. It was weird. Like you feel pain when something is bad in the physical, but this sort of bad was of a completely different sort.

CFT Traveler said that it could be all the negativity about Obama attacking me (I think that's what he meant), but I really never had anything against him that I wouldn't normally have of any politician. McCain, Obama, Republican, Democrat. I don't have a side, so I was never in a heated debate, or looked or read up about anything that could be detrimental to any of their image.

So it's still up into the air. All I know is, that when I see Obama on TV, I say "That man attacked me!".

I don't know if this will lead anywhere, but your posts were very entertaining and put me in a better mood for some reason. Thanks.

18th November 2008, 05:04 PM
I agree with ranlinra's post, but I would also like to add that there is a possibility that you actually did encounter a powerful force in your dream. If you think that "a woman scorned" is a powerful force to recon with, then what would happen if you had thousands of them all thinking the same thing!

You may have encountered the collective thought form of all those people out there who think Obama is the next messiah! This thoughtform is in conflict with yours (which I happen to agree with), so of course it will not feel very good when these two energies "bump heads"

The coldness that you felt I believe is significant - when I encounter true negativity (not just someone doing something wrong) in my dreams - their touch - their look - their inner power feels cold - like dry ice or something painful to touch.
I have encountered that. It chills right to the core, and fast, unlike something physically cold which takes time to get at your core. It took time for me to learn what it really was.

So, action - what kind of actions can we take. We could return to beyond meditative state - to that conscious dreaming state - Alpha and Theta or Alpha and Delta state and send good energy to Obama for right choice - send good energy to the People of the United States to see truth. Send good energy to Mother Earth to support us during these changes. Bring the light - the awareness of the light to the situation and beyond to expand out like ripples in a pond so that even what we cannot see could be healed.
Two thumbs up! (I wish we had an icon like that)