View Full Version : What is your opinion of the Abramelin operation?

30th October 2008, 09:26 PM
What is your opinion of the Abramelin operation, especially the correct version in The Book of Abramelin: A New Translation by Georg Dehn, and Steven Guth?

The Abramelin operation is a method to contact one's Holy Guradian Angel. It sounds like you have had contact with your Holy Guardian Angel, according to your catch basket article.

Robert Bruce
20th May 2009, 03:15 PM

I am familiar with this operation.

It is excellent, but no mean feat in itself.

Very, very few succeed with this method, as I am sure you can imagine.

The operation is perfect...the variable being the operator.

This contact, with your holy guardian angel, comes when it is needed. When this time comes, there is no avoiding it.

Therein lies the key.

Make yourself worthy of this.

Do what is in your power to do, to help yourself and to help others and the world.

And when you are ready, this will happen.
