View Full Version : Your most common dreams?

28th October 2008, 09:03 PM
Good Evening guys! :)
I was wondering, what are your most common dreams about?

I had a period during the summer when i really had a lot of lucid dreams and my own dream diary.
The most common dreams then was that i sat in a car and acted like a freak, i entered a HUGE toilet house, it was so big, 50 000 toilets at lest.
Now my common dreams is when i have super powers (those are fun) and another one...

I'm in a elivator and suddenly the floor dissapears and i fall down and that feeling is not so nice. Going to try and fly instead.

So? Any experiences you have to share :?: :wink: //Alex

sry if there's a thread like this one but i really wanted to now your common dreams.

28th October 2008, 09:47 PM
My most common dreams are dreamstate lessons. There is a stickified thread about those somewhere in here. I think.

29th October 2008, 11:29 AM
My most common dreams are about (1) dogs that are hurt, (2) dreams about a medium whose books I read, and (3) dreams that I am friends with Ben Afleck. :mrgreen:

Years ago I always dreamed that I was being chased and that I lived in very strange houses.

29th October 2008, 12:10 PM
I had to scan through my dream diary.. mostly I dream about people I know or have known in the past, pets and cars. I always seem to be going someplace (travelling) mostly in a car, though recently flew on a plane to a friends house, don’t remember much of the flight itself but once I was knocking on his front door I knew I had gotten there by plane. Usually the dreams are pleasant for the most part. In the past I had a lot of dreams about driving (usually when I just got a new car) and I would end up crashing the car and demolishing it completely at the end of them. Haven’t had any of those in the past 5 years or so which is a good thing!

29th October 2008, 12:45 PM
I have dreams ...

* where I meet the cast of M.A.S.H., especially Hawkeye.
* that look like pixellated computer games.
* where I am resisting people trying to impress or seduce or scare me actively, like the devil, a drug dealer or a strange "girl".
* that are like a endless series of weird scenes or stories I am observing but not participating. One time it was themed about monsters, the other times about things that happened to people, and another one it was odd stories.
* where I am the main actor that get more and more confusing and illogical all the time until they fade out or I wake up.


12th November 2008, 09:22 PM
i'll tell you a dream theme that repeated itself 4 times.. this is the second best i achieved so far.. i dream about tornadoes and running away from them.. 4 times.. there was never a tornado in my country.. ^^

12th November 2008, 11:14 PM
I just had a tornado dream a few days ago. It was combined with a dreamstate lesson, though, and an image from a TV show I'd seen recently and input from something that was happening at the same time.

19th November 2008, 01:19 AM
I dream about tornadoes it seems like almost every night or every other night. I always wanted to be an amateur storm chaser photographer... I have a lot of fun in those dreams.

The second most common dream I get are zombie dreams. I have a zombie dream at least once a week. Most of the time it plays out like Night of the Living Dead. I am either in my neighborhood or in some remote area taking refuge from flesh eating zombies, the Romero kind, not the fast moving ones. These can be intense but I get them so often I kinda get a kick out of them, I am a big horror movie fan...

16th December 2009, 08:49 PM
I have lots of dreams where i am being chased by people / things
I often find myself back living in houses i used to live in, or visiting these houses to collect items or belongings i have forgotten or left there.
I often get dreams where i am high up in a building and the floor is giving way.
I have lots of dreams about close deceased relatives
i have had loads of dreams trying to get back home, find my way home
And recently i have been having lot's of dreams where my children are young again, they are grown up now.

Neil Templar
17th December 2009, 12:06 AM
i dream often about driving cars. i can't drive, yet. :wink:
i frequently fly. every couple of nights..
lately there's been a whole series of simulation/ video game dreams.
when i was younger i had a long series of vampire/zombie dreams. they were excellent!
oh and every few months i find myself climbing around on the roof of some massive house. i always go to the far edge and sit on the ledge overlooking the valley and the mountains in the distance.

17th December 2009, 08:11 AM
Ever since someone introduced me to "car" as a dream symbol for "vehicle of consciousness" I regularly get car dreams using that symbolism. All those car dreams have been about my energy body or spiritual development ever since - getting stuck in a basement with a car, clearing out obstacles, meeting others on the road, getting a new coat of paint on a prototype car, skidding with a car, arriving at an accident, etc. This now is my most common dream.


17th December 2009, 09:32 AM
A lot of the above plus big sprawling mansions, shopping malls with car parks, university libraries, sometimes hospitals and frequently schools. Since I am a teacher by profession, I teach a lot in my dreams or I'm the student or both.

I'm rarely my age (44), regardless of what I'm doing. Usually I'm just young (16-20). A lot of the same characters turn up, in addition to people I do know. I have been female (which I am), male and various races and shapes. I've never been old.

If I dream police I have to watch out because the likelihood of a speeding ticket or parking fine the very next day is strong. The last time I dreamt this, I got a warning from the local ranger because my dog had gotten out. Every other time, the situation shown in the dream has arisen in a way that corresponds quite strongly.

Lately I've been in the ocean swimming a lot. Very nice. :wink: Whales and dolphins are an absolute favourite but monkeys perplex me on occasion. :lol:

I have stress dreams about my dog.

Occasionally I dream yoga asanas and once dreamed I was doing a posture I'd been struggling with in real life. After the dream, I was able to do the posture so there was a nice bit of processing going on there.

Never dreamed zombies (though I helped my son analyse a zombie dream the other night) but I do occasionally dream ghosts and aliens. They don't seem to scare me these days. Bad men (kidnappers, murderers, rapists) do, however, but I haven't had many of those.

My favourite dreams turn into grand musical numbers, with great lyrics and dance moves. They don't happen nearly often enough nor do the superpower type dreams.

I draw more in my dreams than in real life and the drawings often move and change.

I have cleaning dreams and dreams where I'm taking plant cuttings.

17th December 2009, 03:21 PM
I am shocked, many of mine correspond with many of yours- " big sprawling mansions, shopping malls with car parks, university libraries, sometimes hospitals and frequently schools". Even though I'm not a teacher by profession, "I teach a lot in my dreams or I'm the student or both."
I also have dreamed of the beach a lot lately, and I swam just last night.

17th December 2009, 04:35 PM
Ever since someone introduced me to "car" as a dream symbol for "vehicle of consciousness" I regularly get car dreams using that symbolism.

Oh - interesting ! i have often had dreams about driving and my car, unfortunately these are usually fairly unpleasant as i'm either losing control, cashing or going to crash, or i have lost my car and cannot find it.

Hmmm - says it all really ! :)

Neil Templar
17th December 2009, 05:45 PM
i've been swimming alot lately too.
last week i was a killer whale family. i was the mother, and the baby. i was teaching the baby, and as the baby, learning to breathe, and to hold it in when i dived.
a couple of nights ago i was swimming in the ocean, really big waves, and i got stranded on a rock with a giant octopus who tried to grab me with it's tentacles.

17th December 2009, 06:06 PM
Hmm, in my swimming dream I saw an octopus too, but it soon turned sexual, and I terminated the dream.
:shock: :)

17th December 2009, 06:48 PM
Sounds like one busy octopus! :P

17th December 2009, 08:45 PM
I should add "babies".

There's also the railway station.

Can't say I've ever encountered Mr Octopus though. :lol: