View Full Version : Pirates and Serpent.Dragon with Phoenix head.

Neil Templar
28th October 2008, 03:06 PM
last night was one of many lucid/semi lucid dreams..
alot of symbolism that was easy to interpret, and some downright wierd stuff too.

there were pirates jumping from their ship into the water, which i was only observing. they were rather clumsy in their actions, and when one of them got caught in the rigging in a comedic way, i heard laughter, like i was watching a play from the audience or something.
but then i was one of these pirates, under the sea, sinking to the bottom, where what looked like coral reef beneath me, turned menacing, and a serpent like face appeared. the face started to spit out venom towards me, but it moved real slow, cos we were underwater, so i was able to avoid it.

another strange bit was being in the park by my childhood home,(where many of my most significant dreams seem to take place) and being with many childhood friends, as well as friends and work colleagues from my present life, where we all rejoiced in being together, then let thousands of balloons float into the sky.
as we looked around, we could see streams of balloons being let go by people in other locations, some near, some far off in the distance.
at this point hundreds of aircraft appeared in the sky - old WWII bombers, and modern day stealth fighters.they were doing wobbly wing movements and acrobatics. i expected spacecraft to appear, as i've seen them appear in that park before, along with older type craft, but they didn't this time.

later i was riding a motorbike through some small country roads, and over fields, when i saw what looked like a pterodactyl on a long trailer being driven along a road on the other edge of the field i was in.
i rode over and saw that it was a dragon, with a phoenix head, being transported somewhere.
it was beautifully coloured, deep purple, blues, greens, firey reds, orange and yellows..they seemed to be different every time i looked at it.
its scales were like wet feathers.
it explained to me that it wasn't fully mature yet, so it's scales had yet to become hard, and it couldn't yet fly, or walk, so it had to be moved on this trailer.
it couldn't tell me where it was going, but it promised that i would see it again when it was fully grown.

there was another older brown dragon with it, which was able to appear in a more human form, which was looking after it on it's journey.

28th October 2008, 04:38 PM

Neil Templar
28th October 2008, 04:54 PM
Tim, indeed, to new beginnings!! :)
I read your thread about Nov 4th, and i reckon it's the old "it has to get worse before it gets better" thing.
I feel the dread, but scrape away the dread and there lies hope.