View Full Version : Music as you wake

24th October 2008, 05:19 AM
Does anyone else have the very clear sound of music or phrases from songs in their mind's ear (?!) when they wake? (Am not sure whether there isn't a thread about this already but can't find it, so please feel free to delete or ignore if that's the case) Anyway, I often do, & feel it might be a message from the subconscious (or elsewhere).

If it happens to you, would you like to share the latest bars/phrases you've heard?

This morning I heard these words from a jazz standard, "What a difference a day makes!" Advice not to procastinate?! & earlier in the night when I woke after a lucid dream, it was ". . .nur weiter denn, nur weiter, mein treuer Wanderstab" from the Winterreise (= just onwards, only onwards, my trusted wanderer's stave (?) - sort of walking stick, I can't think of a word in English for it) but I take it to mean the obvious, that I should just keep going in spite of all the ghastly stuff I've had happen to me lately.

24th October 2008, 03:40 PM
I used to get music when I woke when I was younger- usually whatever I loved (different songs) and later on when in college Mozart's 40th Symphony- it sounds better in your head than from any headset, let me tell you. Now I get music I've never heard of before, so I'm guessing I'm tuning in on someone else's creations, and sometimes the music sounds like it's out of this world. Heavenly. However, it's been at least a year since I last heard it.

25th October 2008, 07:52 AM
This is one of the most often used methods by my guides to give me straight forward messages. The intended message is almost always right in the lyrics they give me. Although, sometimes I have to interpret the message a little bit, like the time I kept hearing "Go Ask Alice". It drove me crazy for a week because I couldn't rememer anyone I knew named Alice, and I didn't meet anyone by that name either. The message made perfect sense after the fact, and it had nothing to do with someone called Alice. :wink:

30th October 2008, 12:12 PM
Lol,I get that all the time! There is always a message in there.Sometimes I hear music in my dream too,lol.

30th October 2008, 02:46 PM
This is one of the most often used methods by my guides to give me straight forward messages. The intended message is almost always right in the lyrics they give me.
Hey, me too! Cool. :)