View Full Version : LD and quality sleep

22nd October 2008, 02:35 PM
Hey everyone. Someone I was talking about lucid dreaming asked me a question that I don't remember encountering in the forums or reading anywhere, so, here goes. If you spend all night LDing, does it interfere with your sleep quality? Do you feel less/the same/better rested after such a night, especially when you interfere with your dreams?

22nd October 2008, 02:54 PM
I think it depends- is the LD naturally occuring, or is it induced? In my experience, if I lucid dream a lot I do feel more tired than usual, because the sleep cycles get changed when you're lucid (I believe it's called alpha intrusion), but if you LD naturally (that is, you tend to do it without training, at around the end of the sleep cycle), it doesn't do that, because it's the natural time in the cycle when it's most likely to occur.
So maybe.

24th October 2008, 05:28 AM
LD does not affect my sleep quality.

Note that working on problems / finding solutions does. So if you are using LD to find solutions it will reduce sleep quality unless you 'get it' (recharged by success).

Also for beginners, trying to 'force' an LD takes effort and also negatively affects sleep.