View Full Version : Nooo! Anything but the chair!

19th October 2008, 09:10 AM
I wasn't going to post this but this is bothering me...
I don't know about anyone else but the only thing that I really don't like about this program is having to sit in an upright position in the hard back chair for trance exercises...

I just officially started with the trance exercises in the book. I don't mind doing energy work in the hardback chair but do we really have to continue using the hardback chair for exit training? (is that even possible for someone who is just starting?) Its hard enough to reach a full paralysis state laying down let alone sitting up.

As much as I really want to learn how to astral project like the pros, it seems when I am sitting in an upright position in the hardback chair my patience has a time limit. In this position I always have to move at some point or adjust my neck.

I usually do my own trance work when I first wake up and/or before I go to sleep. I can do this all night/morning, and it doesn't phase me I actually really enjoy my time doing this. Does this mean I have to stop doing it that way and do it the pro way? There are even some points in the book where it insists this. I know it also mentions some alternative methods, but the chair seems to be the most recommended. I have had 3 successful projections and they were always very vivid memorable experiences. As far as falling asleep, I am usually way too involved in focusing on something whether it be breathing, my third eye, the vibrations or getting deeper in the trance to allow myself or accidentally fall asleep.

So I don't want to be jipping myself by not doing it the hardcore style, but it makes an already difficult task a lot harder and I never get into a trance deep enough to actually do anything exciting in that position. Does anyone else have this problem?

19th October 2008, 05:27 PM
I wasn't going to post this but this is bothering me...
I don't know about anyone else but the only thing that I really don't like about this program is having to sit in an upright position in the hard back chair for trance exercises...

I just officially started with the trance exercises in the book. I don't mind doing energy work in the hardback chair but do we really have to continue using the hardback chair for exit training? (is that even possible for someone who is just starting?) Its hard enough to reach a full paralysis state laying down let alone sitting up.
Hee hee I never did the hardback chair, mainly because of back problems. I would take the hardback chair as a suggestion, not a rule.

I usually do my own trance work when I first wake up and/or before I go to sleep. I can do this all night/morning, and it doesn't phase me I actually really enjoy my time doing this. Does this mean I have to stop doing it that way and do it the pro way? There are even some points in the book where it insists this. I know it also mentions some alternative methods, but the chair seems to be the most recommended. I have had 3 successful projections and they were always very vivid memorable experiences. As far as falling asleep, I am usually way too involved in focusing on something whether it be breathing, my third eye, the vibrations or getting deeper in the trance to allow myself or accidentally fall asleep.

So I don't want to be jipping myself by not doing it the hardcore style, but it makes an already difficult task a lot harder and I never get into a trance deep enough to actually do anything exciting in that position. I would say what you should do is find an alternate way of projecting that is not on your bed in the same position you sleep in, because this encourages spontaneous projections or gets in the way of restful sleep, or both.
I personally recommend a comfy recliner, one you can nap in for like half an hour (not more than that because you can fall asleep) or something similar. I believe Robert also suggests propping yourself up with pillows if you can't help but have to do it from your bed. The purpose is to separate your 'sleeping space' from your 'projecting space', or to 'ritualize' the projection process (that is 'doing something special to project', priming your subconscious to obtain the desired result, which is the reason for ritual in the first place.) The harcore chair is primarily for people who click out easily, and for those that can trance while sitting upright. Not being one of those, I didn't do it past the first few weeks.

Palehorse Redivivus
19th October 2008, 08:14 PM
I second the recliner recommendation. I have mild scoliosis, which means my spine is slightly curved. Trying to do the straight-backed chair thing is thus uncomfortable, distracting and takes effort to sit that way for any length of time, after which I'll probably be sore. So, I don't do it. :P I've found the best way for me is leaned back in my recliner with a pillow under my neck.

I think the idea is to use the instructions as a guideline, but don't be dogmatic about it. If something doesn't work for you (for reasons other than lack of practice of course), it's okay to tweak it until it does.

24th October 2008, 11:07 PM
I've tried lying down flat on the floor (carpeted floor, not hardwood) to help prevent prematurely falling asleep, which has helped to some degree (mainly with doing energy work, as I'm still not very good at figuring out when I'm in trance / what trance feels like). I like the floor better than a chair because I don't feel like gravity's fighting me (in chairs I tend to feel like I'll fall off in one direction or another if I sit in them for too long). I still haven't had much OBE success, but I figure it'll happen sooner or later if I continue my energy work and keep up with my dream journal (recall is improving somewhat, although it's not at a sufficient level IMO).


26th October 2008, 06:46 AM
I've tried lying down flat on the floor (carpeted floor, not hardwood) to help prevent prematurely falling asleep, which has helped to some degree (mainly with doing energy work, as I'm still not very good at figuring out when I'm in trance / what trance feels like). I like the floor better than a chair because I don't feel like gravity's fighting me (in chairs I tend to feel like I'll fall off in one direction or another if I sit in them for too long). I still haven't had much OBE success, but I figure it'll happen sooner or later if I continue my energy work and keep up with my dream journal (recall is improving somewhat, although it's not at a sufficient level IMO).

I feel the same way, I always feel like I am going to topple over. You will get it soon enough though. I've been getting frusterated myself lately. I found a new spot/position to do my energy work but I can't seem to focus as well anymore in this new position. (Its significantly better than the chair though.) I don't know what it is with me lately but I feel like I have a trance equivalent of ADD when I try doing it in any other position.

26th October 2008, 12:39 PM

26th October 2008, 11:10 PM
the thing about the strait back chair is that i like to cross my legs and slightly lean forward, and extended time doing that causes my legs and hips to burn/hurt. but if i dont cross them it doesnt work for me. weird huh? my wife tells me that when crossed i curl one foot around the other leg. she calls me pretzel legs. but, it seems like crossing my legs eases my back..dunno.
Does it burn when you are seperating? A few times while I was getting exit sensations I got localized burning sensations where my astral body was seperating from my physical body.

26th February 2009, 03:51 PM
I feel the same way... I only sleep on my side, so lying down on my back doesn't usually give me the problem of falling asleep unintentionally unless its late at night.