View Full Version : Actual body position
13th June 2005, 11:05 PM
I am having difficulty in rubbing the whole legs pathway when I sit. I am failing in follow their curves and shapes.
When I imagine my leg stretched (not in the actual position) and move the awareness
like a brushing in that "projected leg", I feel a tingling sensation throughout the pathway of the leg in its actual position.
Is this correct? What shall I do?
14th June 2005, 03:18 AM
Well at least you are stimulating your energy in some fashion. When you say that you imagine a "projection leg" are you visualizing a leg or are you possibly feeling an extension of your etheric body? If you are using visual processes, I'd advise you to wean off of them as soon as you can.
Have you tried to physically target your leg, specifically around the curving of the knees since you are sitting, before you attempt the exercises with your awareness alone. Focusing on one leg at a time, take both of your hands and gently stroke your leg upwards from your ankle to your knee. Release your hands and repeat the upward motion again, from your ankle to your knees. Play close attention to the feelings you get from this physical action. Feel everything that you can, even your hair if you have any (I have hairy legs :o ) as you refine your mind-body connection by following the physical touch with your awareness. After a few times you can stop the physical action of rubbing with your hands. If you still focus your attention on where you were rubbing you may still have the same feelings "imprinted" on your leg. Concentrate your awareness on these sensations and try to keep them going by feeling for the same sensations you had when you were using your hands. The only difference is that now you are using your body awareness alone. Now repeat the same process, around the curvature of the knee while you are sitting.
Your body awareness will increase with time and practice
15th June 2005, 02:47 AM
Dear guspampa,
Sounds like you are off to a good start.
Here is another method you can try. Robert has been getting students to work with energy balls as of late with great success. Instead of brushing etc., one imagines a ball of energy about two to three inches in diameter. You then bounce this up and down the leg. Again, no minds eye visualization is required - although imagining the ball to be blue or white can be helpful for some. The important thing is to imagine a vibrant energy ball. As you bounce this up and down the leg you may feel a heating up of the leg and foot. To start, bounce the ball of energy up and down the leg at a pace you feel comfortable with, then bounce it at about a 2 - 3 second interval up and down the leg. Just another thing to try. It may be a bit easier to imagine a ball moving within the contours of the leg. If you give it a try let me know how it goes.
Very Best Wishes,
15th June 2005, 08:14 PM
I am having difficulty in rubbing the whole legs pathway when I sit. I am failing in follow their curves and shapes.
When I imagine my leg stretched (not in the actual position) and move the awareness
like a brushing in that "projected leg", I feel a tingling sensation throughout the pathway of the leg in its actual position.
Is this correct? What shall I do?
You might want to consider lying down to work on your legs then. There is nothing wrong with lying down when working with NEW, infact, that is how I usually do energy work! :)
15th June 2005, 08:34 PM
Standing is a very potent posture for energy work as well. It may take you some time to condition yourself to stand for any great length of time if you aren't use to it though.
15th June 2005, 08:39 PM
Yes, I have tried energy work while standing, and I've found that it works just as well as lying down, for me. Your legs get tired a lot quicker though. :wink:
15th June 2005, 08:56 PM
Yes, the physical strain from standing and maintaining proper body alignments results in stress that in turn creates a lack of concentration and self-doubt inevitably causing the individual to stop the exercise. For those that practice daily, gradually building themselves up and overcoming the stress(es) of standing postures develop high levels of internal power, and reach deep stages of relaxation/emptiness.
Best bet is to find what works best for you. Your regime will most likely change again and again over time. I do a mixture of both seating/standing postures in my personal practice.
15th June 2005, 09:05 PM
I do a mixture of both seating/standing postures in my personal practice.
I find changing the position in which I meditate and do energy work, keeps things varied, and a bit more interesting. While keeping things varied might not seem important, it CAN mean the difference between giving up from boredom.
16th June 2005, 05:10 AM
If possible try hanging upside down by your legs on say a jungle gym or anything like that for a minute or two to cause some sensations. It's a great way to start up energy flow and localized perception. Even doing a hand stand could possibly stimulate this.
16th June 2005, 08:46 PM
If possible try hanging upside down by your legs on say a jungle gym or anything like that for a minute or two to cause some sensations. It's a great way to start up energy flow and localized perception. Even doing a hand stand could possibly stimulate this.
It gets the blood flowing to your head, which I believe must increase your awareness, and may make energy work easier as you suggest. It doesn't hurt to try! :)
16th June 2005, 09:32 PM
Just be sure you are able to differentiate between physical sensations and energy sensations.
I'd advise against forcing anything pertaining to energy work. Some energy structures take time to develop, more so than others. Forcing past critical development stages for the sake of "moving on" will only leave you with weak energy structures in the end. The time required varies from individual to individual. It takes as long as it takes. If you find yourself with stubborn blockages, seemingly inactive energy centers or anything else, continue working these areas without strain. Work on them up until a little before you start to sense the onset of straining yourself or until you feel that you have worked on them to their fullest potential then move on to the next area. Repeat the next day/session. Eventually blockages will clear up, channels will become energized, tensions will be released, and you will gradually start to feel your body in a new light. Your energy body will develop at a pace specific to your own body's needs without the addition of added stress.
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