View Full Version : Serious Psychic Attack

16th October 2008, 03:56 PM
Let me just begin with saying that I have read all your articles I could get my hands on. And I have also tried other sources to find out what or who attacked me. I was hoping that you might have come across a similar threat, seeing that you have dealt with alot of negative attacks before. I feel as if its been attacking me for some time, But nothing like the last serious attack. I went to sleep just like any other night but woke up slowly as I heard strange noises. The noises sounded like someone was entering the house but not with force, unlocking gates and doors. At first I thought it might be my room mates in the altered state of sleep but as i regained conciousness I realized that they where out of town. As I started to try to get up and check it out i found that I was paralized. This made me realize that i was projecting and suffering from waking paralisis, but the noises was getting closer and I stil had no mobility. I first tried to wake my physical body with no luck and assumed that my physical body was to deeply asleep to return.

So I tried to regain mobility once again with no luck, and all of a sudden I saw the attacker, he had a kind of darkness about him and I could sense he wasn't there for a cup of coffee. He was bent over (note:He was bent over in the similar way throughout the attack) and i sensed that he was concealing his face. He moved like the ghost of the movie: the grudge, like teleporting short distances towards me. I have to admit that I have had my fair share of negative and evil influences and attacks, so I was kind of addept to it. But as the spirit moved towards me I was scared ♥♥♥♥less. The spirit was basically next to me, and I sensed that it was going to attack right then and there. Suddenly there was another being or spirit or something that gave of a positive energy and grabed me(Im assuming it was trying to shield me from the attack as it/he tried to escape.). As soon as the other entity grabed me I attained mobility and blocked the attack of the attacker. The evil entity attacked using only energy coming from his hand, it was a slightly white colour with transperancy and was about the thickness of the palm chakra(maybe a little thinner). As I said I blocked the attack as it was going to hit the other entity and wanted to protect him(or whatever).

The attacker threw another chi blast with his other hand and I blocked that attack too. He threw another attack and blocked yet again, but the attacker put more energy into it, so I too increased the energy, but im guessing that, that was all the energy I had and woke up with the most vivid memory of it. So thats the story, Im hoping you had a similar experience so you could have a clue to who this is. Im also looking to find out who the helper was. The fact that the entity who attacked me attacked directly with no warning and with extreme power and knowledge(not everyone knows how to attack using chi), tells me that im not dealing with a amuteur and most definitly not astral wildlife. And also the fact that someone come to my rescue I suppose is not a good sign either. I mean higher beings knows that it isn't easy to hurt a projected double, thus I must assume that whatever that was could have done some damage.

Just as a side note I would like to add that animals do have obe's(I have two dogs), I heard the one bark in the living room while the attacker was entering and the other was in my room, however she didn't help at all. I think the dog retreated when the entity entered the room, some best friend. The attacks are continuing in a less dramatic way. Which brings me to my second question. The other day I attained consiousness while in a dream, it was probably the emotion fear that presipitated this. I was in a dark place and heard alot of evil sounds so I instant projected back to my body and a Chinese zen master looking being sat right next to my physical body. I reacted with attacking, which proved to be pretty futile. It choked me untill I woke up, so I don't really know if he was a threat or not. So I could have attacked an ally, in my defence i like to add that im a little jumpy ouside my body after the big attack. so my question is could he have been an ally or was the dream just a warning that my physical body was in danger so I projected myself back. In one of your articles you say that the expanded etheric body contracts when danger breaches the aura, thus ending a astral experience, but that isn't what happend. Your input would greatly be appreciated.

Robert Bruce
20th May 2009, 02:41 PM
G'day Andre',

Throught all these attacks, you remain unharmed.

But, your attention is drawn to the spiritual, paranormal.

You are experiencing a program build into the collective consciousness.

Without the 'scary' content of these experiences, you would not have remembered them at all.

Herein lies the purpose o this 'program' which is to cause 'memorable' and often scary dream and obe type experiences.

You remember them because of this, and so your attention is drawn to the spiritual.

Meditate on this.

Remove fear from your mind and become the 'observer' and everything will be fine.
