View Full Version : String of Unnaturally Bad Luck

16th October 2008, 05:08 AM
Mr. Bruce,

Thank you for all of your wonderful books on energy work and astral projection. They have transformed my meditation practice into something deeply meaningful and have been responsible for one of the most amazing experiences of my life (a long, powerfully vivid astral journey to a heaven realm where I met lost loved ones and joyous spiritual masters).

I was wondering if you could give me a little clarity or advice. I recently moved across the country to Arizona to begin a new career. Since I moved here in the beginning of July I have faced the longest and most terrible string of bad luck of my life. The job has gone fine, but first my motorcycle broke down irreparably, then my wife miscarried our first child, then she later had a fluke post-miscarriage hemorrhage which almost killed her. When this happened my insurance was two weeks from becoming effective and medicare would not cover us because I made just barely too much money (on teachers pay). We are now facing tens of thousands of dollars in hospital bills. Then the rates on two of my credit cards mysteriously went up. The only job my wife could find was thirty miles away. Then the transmission on my car broke down, costing many thousands of dollars, and leaving my wife with no way to get to work. The list goes on and on and on.

Also since my wife's accident she has been experiencing night terrors almost every night from the trauma of the sudden loss and the massive bleeding that she had experienced.

Before we moved here everything in our life had worked like clockwork. Jobs, school, love, etc. had always just fallen into place with no real effort. We faced normal little life problems of course, but nothing like this. All of the meditation work I have done over the years has helped to keep me to keep together in the face of it all, but my daily meditation has become a little turbulent and my dreams have begun to have disturbing imagery and symbolism.

I was just wondering if this sounded just like a string of coincidences or if it sounded like there was more to it than that. Neg? Curse? Karma? (though I don't know what either of us might have done in this life to deserve it)

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and thank you again for all of the work that you do.

Robert Bruce
20th May 2009, 02:13 PM

Forgive the tardy nature of this reply. I get to this area when I can and posts tend to mount up.

As your life was going well beforehand, I discount any heriditary or life neg curses.

Given that this started when you moved, I suggest that you moved into an area of negativity.

The house or area you are living in may contain local negative energies and etc that are plaguing you. EG, this is neg contaminated.

I suggest that you move to another local home or nearby area.

If the problems continue, I suggest you make a much larger move to a better area.

My sympathies to you and your wife. Feel free to contact me via email re my faq

Take care, Robert