14th October 2008, 09:24 PM
I'm having a severe kundalini problem. I never even tried to raise it myself, but suddenly, after years of weathering demonic attacks, it sprang up. I didn't even know what it was at first.
The trouble is, there is something horribly wrong with it. The energy is blocked and inverted on so many levels that it's actually encompassing and destroying the rest of my energy bodies. Chakras and energy centers are popping under the straing of this horrible intense fire. I can get almost no etheric flow into my body, and I'm so sick and in so much pain I can barely move.
I feel like my whole energy body is going to snap in half.
I need the info of someone who is very skilled at dealing with kundalini. I'm afraid if I don't get this fixed soon, I'm going to die.
Thank you.
16th October 2008, 01:57 AM
Hi almightyzentaco. You should visit Bob Boyd's kundalini survial and support forum and ask for help. There are many people who have been living with kundalini on that forum who will do what they can to help you. Kundalini can be dangerous, sometimes. You have to try and balance your internal energies.
16th October 2008, 06:06 AM
Now would be a good time to get the Kundalini Reiki attunements if you haven't had them. They install safety valves for this kind of thing. Try to find someone you feel fairly well energetically connected with to give them to you.
2nd December 2008, 11:21 PM
Secondary Interpretive Chemistry
First that it is most important that you change your idea that "there is something terribly wrong with it." This is a secondary interpretation on the chemistry itself...this secondary chemistry of fear impacts the primary chemistry which is trying to work its way through to restructure your being. This is the sort of mechanism whereby people can drive themselves insane, or project their demons onto the world. Try and accept, welcome and love the energy...move into it to flow up your body and focus on calming the solar plexus breathing into it, rubbing it and focusing attention on it.
Besides all the nutritional things you could do, there are heaps of practices that help to integrate and nurture the metamorphic process. Check out the Inner Arts and Kundalini Skills List on BOK
I call this interference - secondary chemistry - there is the chemistry and then the interpretation which impacts the chemistry in a feedback loop...the more rational, compassionate and understanding one can be over ones experience...the "cleaner" the chemistry and the faster the spiritual growth. The aim is to overcome subtle and overt mechanisms of self-sabotage, retreat, denial, sleep and allow the energy and symptoms to guide you toward your daily spiritual care routine and true vocation...such that one can fit into the flowering of the species and encourage those around you to do the same.
Stopping the secondary reaction chemistry of fear, depression the challenge in order to let the cellular transformation of metamorphosis occur, to build a higher spiritual body without wasting energy in harmful vibrations. The smoothness of an awakening depends on our meta-adaptation and adjustment to it, which depends on the underlying faith we have in life itself.
Plus these bunch of new Inner Arts:
Methods of integrating the Hemispheres include: Rapid shifting of the eyes side to side (EMDR--Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy), or any binaural therapy such as throwing an object from hand to hand, walking, or Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) would help overcome the brain damaging effect of rejection and build confidence. Crossing over the body movement or body positions as well as art and dance would also help ease up the anesthetizing effect in the central hemispheric cross communications. See the Inner Arts and Kundalini Skills on my website. Binaural music, especially the Sound of the Sun and water charged with this vibration.
• Inner Candle—Do the inner smile – feeling the jaw is a curved dish. On this dish imagine a 3†candle rising through the brain. With lids closed turn your eyeballs up at the top of your head to observe the flame of the imaginary candle. Inner Candle is like a force field of strength and uplift that can be done throughout the day while walking, in the bath or anytime as a method of generating Presence and a priori happiness. You can generate a permanent Inner Candle, remembering to look skyward, eyes open, to feed on the light and glory of your own being.
• Core Building—Lie on your back, left hand is over the right side of the heart in the center of the chest fingers pointing down to the right. Right hand is over your back between the scapula on the right side of the spine. Do the Inner Candle in this position; it is good to have a flickering candle going by the bed and be listening to music such as Jeffery Thompson’s Awakened Mind System #2.
• Repatterning—Binaural music and meditation slows the brainwaves, increasing electrical fluctuations in the brain, changing the neural structure and pushing the brain to reorganize itself at a more complex higher level. Sungazing, by charging the brain core and increasing hemispheric synchronization is also advised during Neuroemotional repatterning periods.
• Cosmic Jellyfish—Lying on your stomach with the head to one side; do a mind-meld-two-pointer by pressing the thumb tip in the crook where the nose meets the eye brow and the index finger pointing up to press on the middle of the head just over the ridge of the forehead. Do the Inner Candle while in this position and drop your whole body relaxing it completely into a jellyfish state. Turn your head and do the same thing on the other side.
• Complex Inner Candle Meditation—The Inner Candle can be done while on your back listening to binaural music with ear phones on…and you can do the mind-meld pressure lock with both thumbs in the inner eye sockets and the index fingers in a triangle at the top of the forehead. Again remember to let the body go into complete jellyfish state.
• Bellows Walking—While out walking, feel where in the body you are holding your fear…eg: in your diaphragm, or around the adrenals and the back of the heart. Then use your breath, breathing through the mouth, to pull the nectar of the heart into the area resonating in fear. Use this technique in association with Upright Walking.
• Upright Walking—When changing life patterns one has to restructure the body created by the past, or else the behavioral and social patterns will still continue. Upright walking is one of the most effective ways of repatterning consciousness. Go for a walk and keep your eyes focused at eye height or higher, ie: you will be looking at tree tops, roofs and sky. You may find this difficult at first but keep working into the position by easing out the kinks in your jaw and neck. This position puts the head correctly on the spine, breathing is lower into the lungs, digestion is assisted and shoulders are naturally down and back. The brain gets fed more blood and oxygen and is able to detox and drain better, sinuses clear and the throat opens up to more energy and emotion. You will probably find you have to spend considerable energy and effort in the beginning. As resistance to change arises in the jaw, yawn those blockages away. It helps to emote or make sounds to break out of the more down trodden, head forward stance most of us normally walk around in. Pain may be felt in the facial muscles as they have to let go of their former set. Rub a thin film of Magnesium chloride liquid on your face and neck prior to your walk; this will assist in the decontraction process.
The longer your upright walk the more lasting its influence will be on the rest of your life. If you do go for an epic upright walk, say of 4 or more hours then have an Epsom salt bath directly afterwards to prevent muscle soreness. You will also notice the need to sleep more at the beginning of the practice as the restructuring becomes integrated at a deep level. As we break out of our dog beaten stance we stand up tall in the stream of life and the change in our brain chemistry magically creates a whole new life—as structure determines fate. For pineal health do not wear sunglasses on your walks but take some with you in case you have to walk towards the sun and have to be directly looking at it with your upright gaze. You will find it impossible to be depressed during an upright walk and if you do the Inner Candle at the same time, you can bathe in the perpetual honey of your own noble being.
Since this posture increases energy into the brain you may feel unsettled and disorientated for a while afterward. If you continue with upright walking as a daily practice you will lose this sense of discomfort and establish a new equilibrium and personality reflecting a loss of rigidity and increased Flow. As you move into Whole person functioning you will notice parts of you that were stagnant come alive and you will discover newfound gifts you didn’t know you had. As your brain and head come alive, so too does your heart and the rest of your bodymind as well.
3rd December 2008, 11:36 PM
Serpentine crystal is said to help in kundalini awakening. This stone may help with your problems.
Robert Bruce
30th May 2009, 01:16 PM
I need more information on your history and current symptoms.
First and foremost, if you have any energy problems you need to shut down and ground.
I also suggest you get a checkup with your medical doctor, before you do anything else.
Many things will slow down the energy body. Heavier diet, etc.
Exercise to the point of exhaustion will completely shut down your energy body.
I'll say more when I hear back on your history and current symptoms.
Take care, Robert
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