View Full Version : Naval chakra?

13th October 2008, 09:22 PM
In Astral Dynamics and Mastering Astral Projection the Naval center is said to be located on the naval and around it. That is where I have been stimulating it always. But now as I am reading a book on reiki She says the naval-center is 3 fingers under the naval basically where the Sub naval storage center is although she Also says the Tan-Tien (sub naval storage center) is in the same place she doesn’t seem to say anything about them overlaying. Some one please help me on this the lay out just isn’t making sense to me anymore. (Did not know where to post this but chakra stimulating is a big part of map so this seemed ok.)

13th October 2008, 10:15 PM
The navel center he is referring to in Astral Dynamics is the Navel chakra as described by Hindu Tantra. The navel center he describes in MAP and in other of his writings is the Sub Navel Storage Center, which is two inches (plus or minus, some of us are bigger than others) below the navel. The storage center is also known as a Tan Tien or Dan Tien, and I believe it also corresponds to the Earth Stone (although the earth stone encompasses more than the lower dantien's area, as it also includes the solar plexus chakra).
It is interesting to note that Robert talks about the solar plexus chakra as possibly included in or part of the navel center, so these distinctions are really a matter of perception. Some people feel and develop more chakras as they evolve their energy bodies and sensititity, so none of this is written in stone, so to speak.

14th October 2008, 12:51 AM
Yes I know of the sub naval chakra. what I mean is she is saying the Main Naval-center is located below the belly button AND the Tan-Tien is Also In the exact same place some things I find in the subject of reiki supports this while some don’t and I personally have only felt my sub naval there and maybe the bottom of my main naval center. I know there is a major Naval Center up higher over my sub naval. But some of reiki teachings say the Main naval center is under the belly button. also Did you mean that different energy work/healing systems think The Main Naval Center in different places? My concern is I am taking a reiki class in a few weeks and they may teach us the naval center as being in a different place then I know it to be, is this problematic?

14th October 2008, 01:59 AM
No no no- the navel center is a chakra, the sub-navel storage center is the tantien. They're not the same. A chakra is not a storage center, it's an energy vortex that flows and converts energy constantly, while a storage center is what it sounds like. So the chakra is at the navel, the storage center is below the navel.

Did you mean that different energy work/healing systems think The Main Naval Center in different places? No, I meant that some systems locate a solar plexus chakra and a navel chakra as separate chakras, others consider them one large one, so it's a matter of interpretation.

14th October 2008, 07:18 PM
I know they are 2 different centers 1 primary and one secondary the secondary sub naval is directly under the main chakra. I am very sorry for all the confusion truly, ALL I am saying is in a book I am reading the author states the MAIN NAVAL CHAKRA as being lower she is NOT talking about the storage center. Then my question is will this be a problem when I do practices from that book. This author thinks the Main naval and sub naval are in the same place… not me.

14th October 2008, 09:02 PM
I don't know if this is going to be problematic for you- I guess you'd have to feel it out and go towards the one you feel.