View Full Version : LD to AP Question

11th October 2008, 10:36 PM
I just had an LD, althought i'm not sure if it qualifies as such because in the dream I was not consciously active. Within the dream i realized "hey, i'm dreaming" and then a second later i found myself in my body again. I was unable to move and after attempting to will myself to move and it not working i decided to return to my body.

My question is why did i go back to my body. I thought that when you realize that you are dreaming within a dream you turn it into a Lucid Dream, but i went into an AP exit situation, i suppose

11th October 2008, 11:46 PM
I just had an LD, althought i'm not sure if it qualifies as such because in the dream I was not consciously active. Within the dream i realized "hey, i'm dreaming" and then a second later i found myself in my body again. I was unable to move and after attempting to will myself to move and it not working i decided to return to my body.
You were briefly lucid as you were waking up. This is actually how many people discover lucid dreaming- as they begin to wake up from REM, the conscious mind 'wakes up' a tad before the rest of them does and they realize it is a dream. So it's not so rare. What happened is that you had sleep paralysis as you woke (but your body didn't).

My question is why did i go back to my body. I thought that when you realize that you are dreaming within a dream you turn it into a Lucid Dream, You do if you can go back into trance and REM. It's just that you need more practice to achieve lucidity in the beginning of the dream cycle, not at the end of it. I don't think you went into an AP exit, just into good ol'fashioned waking up.
But it's just a matter of practicing, and patience.