View Full Version : Exit Sensations

3rd October 2008, 06:38 PM
After my successful experience the other night I tried again this morning as soon as I woke up. Unfortunately there was a lot of noise distractions from the heater and an ambulance somewhere. I successfully got to the exit sensations but a couple things happened... It took me about an hour to get to the exit sensations and by the time the sensations started coming on I wasn't sure exactly what was causing them, the energy bouncing, trying to "pretend" to fall asleep, or focusing on my third eye. The other thing was once it came on, because it happened so quickly and I went from just feeling completely relaxed to feeling like I was being launched, my breathing got erratic. I didn't realize it right away but I started to hold my breath, because I was afraid of moving/the rushing sensation put me out of sync.

I guess my questions would be, how long does it typically take to get the exit sensations? How frequently should I stop and start over to take a break to stretch out to avoid cramping/tensing up? Should I breathe through my mouth and nose or only my nose? I'm only on week 4 should I even be doing this now or is this going to screw up my progress? I am only going by stuff from other material I have been reading, curiousity, and basic trial and error, so I haven't skipped ahead.

3rd October 2008, 06:58 PM
After my successful experience the other night I tried again this morning as soon as I woke up. Unfortunately there was a lot of noise distractions from the heater and an ambulance somewhere. I successfully got to the exit sensations but a couple things happened... It took me about an hour to get to the exit sensations and by the time the sensations started coming on I wasn't sure exactly what was causing the them, the energy bouncing, trying to "pretend" to fall asleep, or focusing on my third eye. I can't help but wonder why you are worrying about where the sensations are coming from- exit sensations are side effects of consciousness change, relocation, or point-shift, so to speak.

The other thing was once it came on, because it happened so quickly and I went from just feeling completely relaxed to feeling like I was being launched, my breathing got erratic. I didn't realize it right away but I started to hold my breath, because I was afraid of moving/the rushing sensation put me out of sync. The rushing sensation was you having a third-eye projection. The best thing to do is simply will yourself to follow where you're going, don't try to think too much about what's happening, just go with it.

I guess my questions would be, how long does it typically take to get the exit sensations? Depending on the time, how relaxed you are, etc. from 20 minutes to an hour. In other words, depends. But an hour during the day isn't unheard of.

How frequently should I stop and start over to take a break to stretch out to avoid cramping/tensing up? Any time up until deep trance time. Once you commit to trance, you just can't move. But anytime in between relaxation, energy work, clearing, mind taming, and energy raising, you can get up- until it's time to trance.

Should I breathe through my mouth and nose or only my nose? Whatever is natural for you. Try not to think too much about your bodily processes, unless they are a problem.

I'm only on week 4 should I even be doing this now or is this going to screw up my progress? I am only going by stuff from other material I have been reading, curiousity, and basic trial and error, so I haven't skipped ahead. I projected on day 30 of the program, so don't feel bad about it. If it happens, it happens. Just keep going with it as you're supposed to, and if you project sooner, good for you.

3rd October 2008, 07:33 PM
Thanks for the quick reply CFTraveler,

I can't help but wonder why you are worrying about where the sensations are coming from- exit sensations are side effects of consciousness change, relocation, or point-shift, so to speak.

I meant what was causing them, as in what I was doing to bring them on. When my breathing got messed up, I broke out of the trance so I had to start over, but at that point I wasn't sure what I was doing that got me to the exit sensations. I was doing a combination of things, I feel like it was probably me focusing on the third eye area... (My friend gave me a tektite from Tibet, so I had this over my third eye. I used the sensation of the weight on my third eye area to help me direct where my awareness should be.)
As soon as I broke out of the trance I wasn't sure if I should just keep still and wait for it to see if it would come on again by itself, or should I bring my focus back to my third eye, or start doing more energy bouncing, etc...

Any time up until deep trance time. Once you commit to trance, you just can't move. But anytime in between relaxation, energy work, clearing, mind taming, and energy raising, you can get up- until it's time to trance.

I noticed this. I got fed up after the several tries, I wanted to see what would happen if I tried to jump up my physical body while in that state. I guess I was in a very light trance by that point (I was doing this for 2 hours by that point and was not really trying anymore), I could move but when I jumped up I felt a ton of resistance. The reason why I asked was because after the major exit sensations came on/when I messed up, when I kept trying to get to that point again I wasn't really getting anywhere, after awhile my trance degraded very quickly. By that time I felt like maybe I needed to just do the physical relaxation steps again, walk around and start from the beginning. At the same time it did take me an hour to get to that point, so I wasn't sure which if I should keep trying or fully wake myself up and start over.

3rd October 2008, 10:58 PM
Two points- Don't consider exit sensations something you do- all you do is go into trance, so to speak. If you project (and I suspect you will, sooner than later) and attribute it to a specific thing you did, you will train yourself to only expect to project when you do that specific thing (whatever that is). One thing that happens when you get proficient at this is that your energy body, conscious awareness and mental abilities will evolve, and the signposts for projection will change as you do- so if you for example, get vibrations, or hear voices (or noises) or some thing or other at the optimal time for projection now, it may not be true a few months down the line for you. That's why we encourage (or at least I do) to get familiar with that liminal stage, and don't expect something to work for you that may work for someone else. One of the good things about MAP is that it gives you a lot of different options as you go down the line- so that in the future, even if you have a favorite technique, you have something else to do when that one thing doesn't give you what you expect.

Another piece of advice, that I learned by doing- if you are in trance, get an exit sensation and for some reason don't exit, don't get up and start all over- if you need to get up (you know, bathroom, etc.) then by all means- but then go back and try to go back to your trance, and then go to a little energy raising and energy body loosening. Unless of course, you are so awake and tense that you feel you must start all over again.
Of course, doing everything in the prescribed sequence is good for training, so it's up to you.

4th October 2008, 02:58 AM
Wow thanks. Your reply was extremely helpful. :D
So basically once I get into a trance, the exit sensations will follow sooner or later?

4th October 2008, 07:54 PM
If you're the type that gets exit sensations. :)

13th October 2008, 08:38 PM
I came SOOOOO close to having a wake induced projection last night. I used the MAP brain wave generator, the trance setting. I did what you said, and I started getting vibrations once it got to be about 15 minutes into it, I had it on repeat, but when it would start up again, my trance would lessen and I would have to wait for the same part to come again.
I spent a little longer doing the physical relaxation exercises, and this helped tremendously.

Its so stupid but this would be the first time I did this at night, and my room is in the basement, and its pitch black. So immediately as soon as I started getting exit sensations, something in me remembered when Mr. Bruce was talking about "astral monkeys" and that the astral wildlife comes out at night. I tried to focus on the fact that I probably won't be spending a long time in the RTZ, and how great it is to be in the astral again, and a bunch of other positive things.

A few questions to put my mind as ease before I try this again...

Is the astral going to be dark at night like the RTZ?

I remember Mr. Bruce saying that the "white light shield" technique is basically just placebo, is flying away the only option?

Can I do battle with a neg, say if I found one attached to someone I care about? If so how can I do this effectively? Will this make any real difference in their lives or will the negs just reattach themselves to the person once I leave?

If I have an attachment on me, will I see it on my astral body or do I have to go to my physical body? Can I manually remove it in the astral? Maybe just cut it off with a sword?

Note: I'm really not that concerned about this because I have already projected on a few other occasions. I had one experience where I was in a void with a questionable being, in a relatively uncomfortable place. I think I managed myself well in that situation. I just want to ask these questions so I don't have to think about it.

13th October 2008, 09:54 PM
Its so stupid but this would be the first time I did this at night, and my room is in the basement, and its pitch black. So immediately as soon as I started getting exit sensations, something in me remembered when Mr. Bruce was talking about "astral monkeys" and that the astral wildlife comes out at night. Not necessarily, Monkeys are the only problem that I've had (more than once) and I get them during the day. So it's just a matter of not thinking of them at all. One thing I can tell you is that I've never seen one in the astral proper. I hope this makes you feel a teensy bit better.

I tried to focus on the fact that I probably won't be spending a long time in the RTZ, and how great it is to be in the astral again, and a bunch of other positive things.

A few questions to put my mind as ease before I try this again...

Is the astral going to be dark at night like the RTZ? Not necessarily. I've been there at night and it was day, and I've been there during the day and it was twilight. So I'd say it depends on 'where' you go, not so much when.

I remember Mr. Bruce saying that the "white light shield" technique is basically just placebo, is flying away the only option? Actually I remember him saying that filling yourself with white light is not good, because it attracts beings, and that he would rather use it as a shield. But trying to engage them in any way is what I wouldn't recommend, and in this case a swift retreat (or rather, keep going) is the strategy that works for me. They've never followed me anywhere.

Can I do battle with a neg, say if I found one attached to someone I care about? If so how can I do this effectively? Will this make any real difference in their lives or will the negs just reattach themselves to the person once I leave? Franky, (and this is my opinion) I think how they live their lives will have much more to do with the problem - sure, helping them is good, but they need to help themselves also, in the area of self defense or just how they live their life in general.

If I have an attachment on me, will I see it on my astral body or do I have to go to my physical body? Can I manually remove it in the astral? Maybe just cut it off with a sword? I have only perceived attachments on my etheric body, not anywhere else.

Note: I'm really not that concerned about this because I have already projected on a few other occasions. I had one experience where I was in a void with a questionable being, in a relatively uncomfortable place. I think I managed myself well in that situation. I just want to ask these questions so I don't have to think about it. Well I hope this helped somewhat.

13th October 2008, 10:22 PM
Thanks again for your insight.
I was so mad when I got that thought about the monkeys, it completely stopped me from projecting. I remember when reading the article it fascinated me somewhat.
I'm still somewhat curious, has anyone drawn any pictures of them?

A few more questions...

I mentioned in some of my articles a couple beings I encountered in the RTZ...
Both of these beings were completely black, like dark animated shadows. One was more strikingly feminine when I got close to her, but both looked like flying skeletons at first glance from more of a distance. One I got a very warm loving feeling from and spoke to me telepathically, the other one I didn't get any feeling from her, she was friendly but I couldn't really understand what she was saying I got mostly vague "impressions" from her not complete coherent sentences. Are these other projectors? If I got approached by a higher astral being like a spirit guide would they look like this?

Lastly this other being, from my second projection was not a black shadow figure, but a sharp, very clear, and real looking asian man. He spoke to me in actual words. I don't really know if this was in the RTZ it was like I was either underground and/or in a weird void in between dimensions. I assumed he was my spirit guide but then he flipped the chair I was about to lay on on top of me. Who or what was he?

Lately my game plan was to try to meet my spirit guide but I don't know who or what I am looking for. I don't want to be too guilible. I know I can always question these beings but I figured I could tell just by their appearence or their method of communication what type of being they are. Anything you can tell me would be greatly appreciated.

13th October 2008, 10:45 PM
Well, I'm no expert but I've encountered most of who you've described.

I'm still somewhat curious, has anyone drawn any pictures of them? No, mine change appearance, sometimes more monkeylike, sometimes more like children, which makes them scarier, because I can't try to hurt them, even if I know they're not really children. The last time I had a problem with them I used light and love and it actually made them go away for a long long time. Go figure....

mentioned in some of my articles a couple beings I encountered in the RTZ...
Both of these beings were completely black, like dark animated shadows. One was more strikingly feminine when I got close to her, but both looked like flying skeletons at first glance from more of a distance. One I got a very warm loving feeling from and spoke to me telepathically, the other one I didn't get any feeling from her, she was friendly but I couldn't really understand what she was saying I got mostly vague "impressions" from her not complete coherent sentences. Are these other projectors? If I got approached by a higher astral being like a spirit guide would they look like this? I suppose they could, if they're shielding themselves to protect you from the overload- but I really don't think so. I've seen those shadow beings and was actually accosted by one. So it wasn't that nice. I've seen two of them, one male, the other didn't get close enough for me to distinguish. I didn't get a 'skeleton type' impression, but I did get a cartoonlike impression, sort of like the "Father" character in the Kids Next Door cartoon of a few years ago.

Lastly this other being, from my second projection was not a black shadow figure, but a sharp, very clear, and real looking asian man. He spoke to me in actual words. I don't really know if this was in the RTZ it was like I was either underground and/or in a weird void in between dimensions. I assumed he was my spirit guide but then he flipped the chair I was about to lay on on top of me. Who or what was he? I hesitate to answer- I have not met anyone like that, however I have read about someone like that and it was not necessarily human- so I don't have an aswer for you.

Lately my game plan was to try to meet my spirit guide but I don't know who or what I am looking for. I don't want to be too guilible. I know I can always question these beings but I figured I could tell just by their appearence or their method of communication what type of being they are. Anything you can tell me would be greatly appreciated. My guides are very 'family-like'- imagine you coming home after a hard day at work and someone greets you with "how was your day"? That's how mine are. Not terribly wise and advanced-seeming (of course, this is only my perception of them, they probably 'tone it down' for me)-comfortable and even the first time you meet them you then realize it isn't really the first time, you 'knew' them already. It's hard to describe, but that's how it is for me.
As to other beings, I have been in the presence of light beings that protected me in scary places, and I've never gotten a good look- just enough for the experience to have been markedly -special, I suppose is the word.
I think if you keeps your wits about you with guides you'll be ok.