View Full Version : Green eyed Being

2nd October 2008, 08:14 AM
I'd really appreciate any comments on a very vivid dream I just had - my small family & I were living in a Musem after some sort of 'disaster", & the entire world (including inside the building) was covered in fine, powdery snow.

With us was a tall, thin "fish-white" Being with classic "alien" shaped eyes, which were bright green, luminous & gave off a sort of glow/powdery stuff. He/it seemed distracted, fiddling about in the museum artifacts, & pulled out a huge blue, phi-shape/sign from under some rubble, saying "Tau Ceti" very excitedly. I was half lucid, a bit vague, & went to look out of the window, which was about 5 storeys above the ground.

There was a group of kids down in the courtyard below, looking up sadly, & in great surpirsie at seeing them I shouted, "Come on up!"

My daughter said that it was a very bad idea, but I insisted they needed help & care; until they started SWARMING up the wall like lizards & coming in the window. I tried to stay calm & opened the door to the room, which lead out onto a passageway & more rooms plus a staircase, only to see a small girl sliding UP the banisters - which I found alarming enough to wake up!

I have felt really odd ever since, can't seem to focus on the mountain of work I have to do this month!!

2nd October 2008, 01:19 PM
The beginning of your dream reminds me of the film "The day after Tomorrow".

3rd October 2008, 02:42 PM
I haven't seen it (believe it or not!) - all films pale after the original Tarkovsky "Solaris" imho so I seldom watch any - but will get it right away!