View Full Version : Tempted by Satan and a Conversation with an Angel

26th September 2008, 11:19 PM
Before I get into the dream, I should mention this: Awhile ago I started seeing a blueish ball of light at times when I was meditating. It was always in the same location in the center of my vision and was fairly solid in color and didn't really fluctuate.

So the dream, I was standing at the foot of a 3 sided pyramid. It was in a desert but there was vegetation around and the sky had a yellowish tint, and there was a voice talking to me. I didn't see anybody but this person started taking me up the pyramid level by level. When we got to the next level, it became a 4 sided pyramid, then up a level and it became 5 sided and so on all the up to 10 sides. The whole time we were ascending, the voice keep talking to me explaining things to me and guiding me up the levels. Each level was accompanied by images that keep flashing in my head and more kept coming as we got higher. The only one I remember now is of a man sitting in a 'thinking pose' except he had huge demon wings. I remember that the feeling became very intense and I wanted it to stop but I held on.

When I finally got to the top there was a man there and he was the one whose voice I had been hearing. We had a short conversation, most of which I don't remember, but at the end of it he said his religion was in fact the religion of Satan and asked if I wanted to join him. I looked right at him and said, very dramatically, 'NO!"

At that moment it was night and I was in a courtyard behind some huge mansion. It was made up of mostly glass windows and at both ends of the main wing, there were two other wings so the house was like a giant 'C'. In the courtyard, which was a garden, was a statute of an angel that was black and it started talking to me. The statue didn't move but I felt a presence inside of it that was looking at me. The being said it was an angel and I don't remember most of our conversation but I think most of it consisted of me saying 'are you REALLY an angel'. The part I do remember was at the end when he told me that the light I had been seeing while meditating, was God. When he said that, the entire inside of the house lit up with the same light.

Any thoughts, comments, concerns from anybody?

27th September 2008, 05:34 PM
Very interesting.
Do you recall how many times you asked the angel who it was?
When you say 'the light you see' do you mean 'the bluish ball of light?'
I think you were indeed tested, interesting. No concerns, as you said 'no' to the negative voice.

27th September 2008, 06:06 PM
I don't believe I asked the angel WHO it was but rather I was having a hard time believing it was an actual angel and not just a creation of my subconscious mind.

Yes I meant the blueish ball of light that I see sometimes when I meditate. The angel told me this light is God. I had this dream a few months ago, it has remained in my mind because it was so, intense I guess would be the word. Since then, I noticed that rings of this light come out of either my brow or crown center and condense down to form this light in waves. It also seems closer and larger now but fluctuates more.

30th September 2008, 08:25 PM
Ok - I would like to share my thoughts on this dream. I actually am very intrigued by your dream, and I would like to ask your permission to go into this dreamspace to investigate further.

I love the fact that the pyramid changes sides as you climb up. I immediately thought of a dream where climbing steps like that was levels in spiritual growth. The higher the more awareness. So, the addition of sides made me think of new dimensions - which I find fascinating. Hmmm? 10 - 9 - I would understand - 10 - I want to see it and explore.

Ok - here is where my pondering starts based on my own pondering. I say pondering because It is not my belief at this time - but my questioning and investigation of that question. So, I hope I don't scare you away.

We know many things in the Bible have been altered to sway us away from knowledge. Some for the good - some not. Some people are just not ready for that control and power - so yes, they need to be limited or they do harm - so I see a reason into hiding the truth - that's all I'm saying.

So, I began to question the beliefs and stories of Lucifer. Who really is he - did he really do all that evil. I mean Lucifer is the Light Bringer and you did see the Blue Light (which to me means the Soul Light), then that light lit up the huge mansion - so you are partly a Light Bringer - or could be. What if Lucifer found the way to the Light - to the Christ Light Within? What if this Christ Light truly freed us from the confinds of man - of society - of Earth to truly walk with the Lord? I believe those in power hide the way to Enlightenment through fear - through fearful stories.

So, then I think of Allister Crowely. So, he studied the occult - the truly hidden mysteries. He actually was able to do great things until he started working with our government - ego came into play - and he used this mystery knowledge for bad things - he took it to the dark side. But even then, the government wanted him to do more harm and he actually turned the tables on them and protected thousands of people. So, there was still light in him somewhere. But he didnt' begin studying Satanism. That's what we called it because he took it to the dark side. He began studying the mysteries - like we are.

So, what is Satanism - what does it mean to you - are you willing to test your knowledge of the word? What is truly behind it. What if you studied the Mysteries with the Blue Light you always have with you? Then the Light would balance you so the Ego cannot take it to the dark space and you could move beyond the 9th Dimension. The 10th. I never heard of ANyone talk about that. What if this is a possibility for you - but With the Light - With God - for the Higher Good - For Love - not Fear. What a Test!!!! What a Challenge!!! What a gift.

Very Cool. - by the way - I in no way shape or form practice any kind of dark magic - but I also believe that all Magic is both dark and good - depending on your frame of mind, your heart and where you take it to.

But in the Dream - you Lit up the Mansion - Not just your personal House (your body), but the Mansion - for all to see the Light of God.......hmmmm - cool.

Let me know if I could explore - of course I'll have my angels with me.

Thanks - amazing dream.

7th October 2008, 08:42 PM
Wow MichaelL. I had a simalar dream with the ball of blue light. I will have to write more about it when I have time. It is a recurring dream. Is yours? I am new and I just getting familar reading all the forums. There is so much here. Ranlinara 13 has a interesting viewpoint on your dream. She must be really good with dreams. :lol: