View Full Version : Broken Bones and Paradigm Shifts

Palehorse Redivivus
25th September 2008, 11:14 PM
Two nights ago I had a dream where it was claimed that I'd had nearly every bone in my body broken in two accidents. The details were fuzzy by the time I woke up, but if I remember right the first one was supposed to have shattered my body; the second, my head. I had doctors showing me x-rays and insisting I needed to be admitted for a series of operations to repair all this. Thing is, I was still walking around and feeling perfectly normal. I ended up deciding that, since I felt fine, if there really was any problem, I'd heal it myself.

As I do with most odd dreams initially, I wrote it off as just being odd... and then the dots kind of connected on their own later. :lol:

I concluded that it was related to the major belief-system clearing I've been doing lately, as discussed here:

viewtopic.php?f=23&t=12850&start=15 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=12850&start=15)

The way I'm interpreting it, I've basically done away with my own internal framework in a sense -- and there are a lot of people who would see this as a big problem; as if one can't survive without immediately installing some other belief system in its place. There are also a lot of important looking people, whether in labcoats, priestly robes, suits or uniforms, who are all basically saying the same thing. They'll try to convince you that you have a problem, and only they hold the solution -- if you'll just ignore your internal guidance, hand over your personal power and put your belief in them or their institution. So, I took this one as a bit of personal confirmation of being on the right track. :)

Obligatory disclaimer: This shouldn't be taken as a blanket rejection of anyone in a position of authority or "officialdom," least of all doctors. While I think it's always good to question, it would be unbalanced and unwise to reject anything out of hand just because someone in such a position said it. Most dreams are highly symbolic and this one is no exception.

Translation: if you have a medical issue, see a doctor. If said issue is that all your bones are in more pieces than humpty dumpty... have a friend take you there. Preferably in a bucket. Because it would make for a good story later. Ahem.

26th September 2008, 12:52 AM
I've basically done away with my own internal framework in a sense -- and there are a lot of people who would see this as a big problem; as if one can't survive without immediately installing some other belief system in its place.
Well, I think you can survive it, but it can be destablising and disorienting, or at least it could be for many. Most people really can't walk around with all their bones broken. ;)

Yeah, I take this as a positive dream. I mean, I would, if it were me having it. I've had kind of similar dreams (same sentiment, different symbols). :)