View Full Version : The aliens are coming!

25th September 2008, 05:03 PM
An apocalypse dream... It was epic... I looked outside and it looked as if millions of tons of white foam were hitting the outer part of the atmosphere, it actually looked like an avalanche of foam that wrapped the planet... I looked at the TV, and there was nothing on the news about it yet... 3 black planes flew right over my head, military stealth jets scrambling somewhere...

I was with friends and we were waiting for the "snowfoam" to come down and crush us... I felt like there was nothing that could be done, so I told everyone to just blow the air out of their lungs as soon as they get crushed, so that they die faster and don't suffer too long -- that was my best advice at the time... You know... Instead of "let's hide in the basement" or something...

But the foam never hit the ground... We went outside and everyone was acting normal... As if there wasn't anything weird going on at all... And then they appeared... Triangular ships, enormous ones that you could see in detail from the ground even though they were only hitting the atmosphere... They basically pierced a hole through their foam, maybe it was a brake?

Laserbeams were coming out of the ships in various directions.... And then the phone rang and I woke up.

I have a test at university today... Good omen, right? :)

25th September 2008, 05:18 PM
Maybe you were secretly hoping to get abducted so you wouldn't have to take the test. :D
When I read the dream I had more of the impression of the foam being used to clean the 'shield' off the atmosphere so the ships could be seen- sort of like a 'decloaking scrub'.

25th September 2008, 05:51 PM
Maybe you were secretly hoping to get abducted so you wouldn't have to take the test. :D
When I read the dream I had more of the impression of the foam being used to clean the 'shield' off the atmosphere so the ships could be seen- sort of like a 'decloaking scrub'.

Huh...that's a pretty interesting idea right there. I never would have looked at it like that.

I may steal that for use in a sci-fi story some day >.>

26th September 2008, 08:43 AM
Yeah, now that you mention it, it's interesting that they appeared after the foam stuff ate away at the sky... I don't know if they were invisible before the sky started getting covered with the foam, though...

It looked a bit like a gigantic chemical reaction that was propagating very fast (and orders of magnitude larger than a nuclear explosion); something else I thought about is that maybe they were altering the atmosphere to allow the aliens to invade and survive there.

And so, well... I did terrible!

I received money yesterday so I could buy the course pack today and review the readings before the test... But of course, it was sold out, and I didn't know anyone from that class outside of class, so I couldn't borrow one... Long story short, I lost about 15% of my final grade... Yay! :D

Okay... and get this... The book was 6.60 dollars! Not only is that awfully close to 6.66, but it also means I could have afforded it back when classes started! Not that I'm complaining, but why isn't it $50 like all the other books?!

I'm backtracking through my dream journal to see if there's anything relevant to this in them, but I can't find anything... Why would I get a dream that basically says "you're screwed"; that's not very useful precognition! lol

26th September 2008, 12:46 PM
No! It's not :?

26th September 2008, 02:00 PM
Last night I dreamed that I looked out the window at night and could see a plastic film over the sky, as if someone had plastered window tinted sticky paper on top of the 'firmament' like a window.
I know where that idea came from. :D

2nd October 2008, 08:20 AM
EEk all that's very odd, I just posted a dream I had about white snow stuff all over everything. . ! I wonder whether this has anything to do with the predicted "UFO"s on 14 October? Also the web ot predicts something nasty for the 7th. . . . .maybe we're all just plugging in to the collective unconscious fear of something?

2nd October 2008, 04:39 PM
Hmm...in my second dream this morning when I took off to fly (I had two connected flying dreams :D :D) I only got a short way before everything got dark and suddenly there was a heavy fog everywhere...I couldn't see where I was going and it made me crash :(

2nd October 2008, 06:09 PM
EEk all that's very odd, I just posted a dream I had about white snow stuff all over everything. . ! I wonder whether this has anything to do with the predicted "UFO"s on 14 October? Also the web ot predicts something nasty for the 7th. . . . .maybe we're all just plugging in to the collective unconscious fear of something?

I haven't heard about this.. interesting.. hmm

3rd October 2008, 09:50 PM
And look at Neil Templar's post, also very recent:

last night i had a dream, i was away, in Fife, in Scotland.
i was by this motorway, and in every direction the sky was full of clouds. really low clouds, more like a fog, except it wasn't affecting where we were, (i was with two farmers).
infact now that i type that, i realise that the farmers were guides.

anyway, as i looked at the clouds surrounding us, i started to see sillhouettes, shapes of craft, flying by just behind the clouds.
at first i saw huge Spitfire planes, from WWII. then the shapes started to become larger and more elaborate looking.

they were massive craft going by, but i could still only see the sillhouettes.
i was getting pretty excited, telling the farmers to look, but they weren't shocked by what they were seeing.

when a bunch of different craft had passed by, just out of view, and the road became quiet again, the farmers started telling me they weren't alien craft, just very advanced technologies.

they motioned towards the cloud bank that created a wall across the motorway just ahead of us..
a massive sillhouette appeared, it was as wide as the eight laned road, and storeys high.
(Full post at: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=13189 (http://temporary.forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=13189))

Pretty cool huh? :p

Neil Templar
4th October 2008, 01:47 PM
that's not all either.
i've a friend, who doesn't post here, who's had a couple of similar dreams too - seeing ships behind clouds, and having the clouds pulled back to reveal them..
in another she was told by a guide to "look up", at which point she looked up at the night sky and saw three objects shoot out from one of the stars in the Pleiadean system.. she was then told that she'd see something similar in "real" life very soon. :shock:

it's now the 4th October, does the world really change forever in ten days?
or has Blossom Goodchild just ruined her reputation?
(that's her name right?)

4th October 2008, 07:41 PM
I am one who thinks and feels that Oct 14th will happen as it has been described.

it's now the 4th October, does the world really change forever in ten days?
or has Blossom Goodchild just ruined her reputation?

There is a lot of energy in the collective subconscious around this event. Much of it is fear as it relates to those things that will change as a result. I can feel this energy and I suspect that many of us are feeling it as well.


4th October 2008, 08:00 PM
I am known to be skeptical when it comes to 'predicted things', especially when some of them are based on channeled material and whole movements are based on this, but I for one have been feeling that something is changing, not so much on any given date, but that the changes have already started to happen- whatever those are. If my feelings are warranted, I hope the change is for the better.
In a way I'd like to see something happen on Oct. 14, just to see if any of this is true and sincere.
But I have to wonder if nothing happens, what will 'diehard believers' think or feel about this?

Palehorse Redivivus
6th October 2008, 07:16 PM
I hope the change is for the better.
In a way I'd like to see something happen on Oct. 14, just to see if any of this is true and sincere.
But I have to wonder if nothing happens, what will 'diehard believers' think or feel about this?

I wouldn't mind seeing something happen that day... but I'm a bit wary. It's one thing to have them show up, but I'm more concerned about what they have to say after that. If it's anything other than "find your own truth within, stop being afraid and stop giving your personal power away to anything outside yourselves," then they aren't friends, as far as I'm concerned. We're all stocked up on messiahs and evil overlords... what we need is for people to start taking more personal responsibility for their own lives, and for that effect to spread to the macrocosm.

If nothing happens, Goodchild doesn't strike me as someone who would keep it going to save face... but I'm sure there are people who would find some excuse as to why it didn't happen, reinterpret the data and pick another date.

T-minus 8 days and counting... http://www.godlikeproductions.com/images/icons/abduct.gif

6th October 2008, 07:26 PM
Just in case anyone's curious, here's the original blog post by Blossom Goodchild: http://blossomgoodchild.blogspot.com/20 ... light.html (http://blossomgoodchild.blogspot.com/2008/08/message-from-federation-of-light.html)

I don't want to say "it's not gonna happen," because you never know, of course... But I don't think that psychic could have gone about it in a less cliché way, really. This is a typical publicity stunt...

Anyway, do laserbeams hurt? :D

6th October 2008, 10:07 PM
I almost hate to add to this (I'm not holding my breath for the 14th, although I think it'd be cool if something positive happened), but last night I had an alien dream too. Some symbology was similar, but a lot of it was totally not what everyone else experienced (as far as emotion/theme) :P. However, it was a fun dream so I'll share it.

So, the dream started out innocently enough. I was part of a group that was going to fortress located under a hill in order to fight a massive army that was coming. I had everything from AK-47s to magic at my disposal (yet another dream in which I could wield magic...although lately I've been able to do more and more amazing things in my dreams). I remember when preparing for this threat, I got anxious and bored because it was going to be three days before they arrived. At some point it was nighttime, and there were some members of my resistance outside flying during a really nasty storm. Me and another wizard decided we were going to kill time by flying too, and went outside to tell the others that they needed to be careful so they weren't hit by lightning (although it wasn't quite lightning...is was a similar phenomena, but there was a specific difference...I just can't clearly recall what it was). Then, out of the very low and dark clouds a huge ship revealed itself...at this point, the threat in the dream switched from the massive army to an alien invasion. So, seeing the ship, I called lightning from the clouds and raked the invading vessel with it, doing a ton of damage to it...but I was unable to bring it down. Then, suddenly, I had sneaked aboard an alien ship, and was totally shocked by what I found.

These aliens were dumb. REAL dumb. They had all sorts of fancy "security" set up on their ship that was super obvious and super easy to get around. No one questioned my right to be there, because obviously if I had been human I would have been stopped by their traps! There was a grocery store on the ship for some reason (which was odd, because I knew and the aliens knew that they didn't eat food...o.O) I stopped to grab some stuff, and talked with one of the aliens. I obviously knew a ton about humans (being one myself), and the alien tried to impress me with his knowledge by talking about how much he loved barbeque. Then he showed me where the best "cuts" from house plants could be found :roll:

The dream changed into something else unrelated shortly after that, but yeah...the "fog" in the form of the storm clouds was present in my dream, but that's about the biggest similarity. :P

7th October 2008, 05:54 PM

7th October 2008, 08:58 PM
Mmmmm.... barbecue.....

Palehorse Redivivus
10th October 2008, 06:52 PM
People were awakened by shouts from their neighbors. Giant fireballs in the sky made it bright as day in the middle of the night. They thought it was the End of the World, Judgment Day, and people fell to their knees repenting of all their sins. It was visible from states away.

I take the fact that there would be a display like this, in the middle of the Bible Belt, as further evidence that the divine has a sense of humor even more twisted than mine. And that's not an easy thing to pull off. *impressed* :lol:

13th October 2008, 01:20 AM
Two more days til we see if the prediction was right!

Despite my best efforts, I find myself getting excited. It would be really interesting if it happened. :D

14th October 2008, 07:54 AM
It is the 14th today , and nothing happened yet :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

14th October 2008, 01:00 PM
Nothing here either.
*Eats popcorn and waits*

Neil Templar
14th October 2008, 01:05 PM
i hope you've plenty popcorn, it could be a long wait....

14th October 2008, 01:46 PM
I got the big tub. :)

Neil Templar
14th October 2008, 01:52 PM
:lol: :lol: 8)

14th October 2008, 02:58 PM
Thanks for the popcorn , but i have been waiting for so long .
It will be the 15 october in few hours . :roll: :roll: :roll:

I got the big tub. :)

14th October 2008, 09:30 PM
I got the big tub. :)

I shoulda brought some sodas.

15th October 2008, 11:53 AM

Does anyone feel different today? :)

Neil Templar
15th October 2008, 01:14 PM
more tired than usual.. :|

15th October 2008, 01:20 PM
Why is that?

Neil Templar
15th October 2008, 02:09 PM
well, i put it down to the short session of energy work i did after work last night.
i spent most of the night unable to sleep.
i had scenarios running thru my mind. imagined conversations with skeptical folk asking me to explain to them "what i considered myself to be".
my only answer to them was that they should be asking themselves the same question.

i dosed off a few times, had some dreamtime, then would wake up again, get up, have a cup of camomile tea, listen to a binaural mp3 to help quiet my mind, dose off... i got up out of bed at least 4 times throughout the night..

why do you ask?
you "yawn"ed before, tired too?

15th October 2008, 02:10 PM
Oh oh oh! Wait! It's not over yet! :)

http://10-14-08.blogspot.com/2008/10/re ... print.html (http://10-14-08.blogspot.com/2008/10/reading-channellings-fine-print.html)

Neil Templar
15th October 2008, 02:19 PM
hah!! i was just about to post that!!
i've been reading the channelings on blossom's site today.
there was another thing that jumped out at me -

"Fellow beings of Light, as has been foretold … we are coming to unveil the mists. And when this has taken its rightful place, so too shall you. Join with us brothers and sisters of The Oneness.

it seems that many of us who've had dreams about aliens in the past few weeks have had some sort of mist being unveiled to reveal the hidden truths.
now i understand that we've probably all read each other's posts about their respective dreams, and that in turn could influence the way our own dreams turn out, but i thought it seemed a bit of a coincidence...

plus i've a friend in LA who doesn't post here, who has had a couple of similar dreams and experiences with her guide where the mists have been pulled back...

just sayin' :wink:

Neil Templar
15th October 2008, 02:34 PM
haha, then there's this-
"We ask you to think of rainbows. There will be many that begin to appear in the next few weeks. Rainbows that seem different form the ones that you are familiar with."

and this-
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... ed-UK.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1056500/Pictured-Rare-upside-rainbow-spotted-UK.html)

15th October 2008, 02:52 PM
Interesting. I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled for rainbows today

Yeah energy work before bed isn’t good lol

No not tired myself, just being sarcastic is all :)

Neil Templar
15th October 2008, 02:53 PM

15th October 2008, 03:03 PM
it seems that many of us who've had dreams about aliens in the past few weeks have had some sort of mist being unveiled to reveal the hidden truths.

I almost broke up with my girlfriend yesterday... The whole day was pretty tense... It was like this big quagmire of lies surfacing, lots of uncertainty about the future... No fight, but still a pretty tough episode that could have ripped us apart.

It's creepy because symbolically, the whole thing fits. The alien ships coming in from a hole in the clouds/fog/snow, like a cat out of the bag... Aliens didn't come, but many things were revealed on October 14th that just changed everything... It was scary while it lasted, but once it was over, honesty and love ended up saving the day.

One more entry for the "weird dream-life coincidence" journal, I guess :p

Neil Templar
15th October 2008, 03:17 PM
glad it ended well dude. :)

15th October 2008, 03:37 PM
Hmm, it's all cute but the bottom line is: the alien ship has supposed to come - it hasn't :D
It was specific about a ship - not rainbows, or dreams, or barking cats, or itchy arms, or dancing chipmunks, or the miracle of love, or the miracle of a milkshake, whatever.
It was about a ship :)

No ship - no creditability for Blossom.

No credibility this time: no credibility for whatever she channelled, because all of it is now suspected. :)

15th October 2008, 07:34 PM
No dancing chipmunks? :cry:

16th October 2008, 12:09 PM
Nothing in the news this morning.

Neil Templar
16th October 2008, 12:27 PM
what do you think of all this Fish?

16th October 2008, 12:35 PM
I’m walking the line I suppose. Anything is possible in this world y’know?

How about yourself?

Neil Templar
16th October 2008, 12:53 PM
well, i've had feelings about alot of this alien stuff since i was young.
i remember thinking that tv shows like the x-files were actually put there to prepare us for a day such as we've been looking for lately.

there are things that've been happening recently that would suggest that much of what we're being told is real - one of my best friends has been having regular contacts with "guides", like appointments - they tell her what time they're gonna contact her, and sure enough they do.
they've told her that soon she'd see things for real, and i know her well enough to know she's not crazy, and she's not a liar either.

i've had my own regular dreamstate lessons from a guide who i'm led to believe is from another world, tho my recollection of them is often annoyingly vague.

alot of stuff seems to fit, and most of all i guess it all "feels" right to me.

but then there's the old logical thinking skeptic inside who knows that dreams can be affected by mere suggestions, and hey, let's be honest, i've watched alot of sci-fi in my time! :lol:

i'll be honest this whole Blossom Goodchild thing has been quite exciting, tho having such a definite date put on it was always gonna be the factor that would become problematic.
i know almost nothing about channeling, but i get the feeling that there must be quite a large potential for messages to be mixed up or misinterpretted..

so, i guess i'm hopefull that something along the lines of what we've been told will happen, might still happen, but i'm not so expectant of it.

16th October 2008, 01:18 PM
Yeah I hear that. I remember those things you spoke about your friend in other topics here. It’s great to have a friend like that you can bounce things off of, there’s only a couple people I know that I can even mention this stuff too lol

But yeah I hope it’s something that will come to fruition indeed I’m with you there. That dream/projection or whatever it was when I woke up hooked up to some machine with those 2 beings there that time freaked me the %$#& out. That one still makes my blood run cold when I think about it.

So maybe that’s it with me, I just wonder about if they do come are they going to be with us for our benefit like they say or are they going to use us for some other cause that is completely outside of our grasp? There’s just this thing I feel deep down that really really doesn’t put any trust in them. Maybe that trust needs to be proven as of yet who knows. But that’s what the future is for no?

16th October 2008, 02:32 PM
I can speak to both themes (channeling and experiences) since I channel every once in a while (something I don't talk about much, for a reason that will be obvious in this post) and most of the stuff I get is garbage. Every once in a while something actually is true, and I try to figure out what made this different from that, and to this day I still can't tell the difference from what obviously came from my subconscious and what came from a source that was objectively verifiable.

What I mean to say is this: If you think of it, our universe or reality isn't linear and pat, even though most of the time we perceive it as such (I know y'all know this already, I promise I'm coming to a point)- so in the ether (Akashic record, matrix, etc.) Everything is encoded as information- not only what is definitely going to happen, but what has a good chance of happening, and what has very little chance of happening. Add to this idle thought processes that may still be 'fresh' in the akasha, and things that are born out of belief. All that is there, ready to be received by anyone that can receive and process, and the result is a mishmash of information that frankly, is surprisingly clear, considering the processing power of the human brain.
So what would be the difference between someone like me, and someone who posts his/her channeled messages to the world as prophecy? That the channeler is sure that what they are transmitting is 'truth'- due to their belief and ego. Belief that I don't share. Unless the information is of a nature that is impossible to ignore (like being told that so and so will die in a terrible accident- in a case like that I'd tell that person even if (and they have) they laughed at me.
BTW, ego I have lots of- I'm just not that brave. :lol:

So when I see channeled information, I look at it, see what resonates with me, and just wait and see- but belief never enters into the equation, even (and especially) if the information came directly to me.

As to the 'alien' phenomenon? Heck, I don't even try to understand it. That's another post entirely.
