View Full Version : Chi Kung

Neil Templar
20th September 2008, 12:50 PM
I've recently found a Chi Kung class here in Amsterdam, but as always, my work schedule means i can't make it along at the time it's happening.
So i went and bought a book on the subject which has very good photographs and instructions in it, but i'm wondering if self-teaching might not be the wisest path to take.

any advice?

20th September 2008, 01:00 PM
You can learn a lot and miss a lot. It might help prepare, but if the instructor is really good, actually visiting the course might be way better.

Standing aligned in a way that opens your Chi pathways is something that I learned best in a course I took. The people pointed out all the misalignments I naturally made just when I even try to stand up straight. This is because when I stand up straight, I still try to prevent certain alignments because they feel uncomfortable. It turned out they are uncomfortable because they open up the channels and make me feel discomfortable things within my body. By avoiding these alignments subconsciously I was aggravating the problem.

Turning from the hip and staying aligned also needed some good instruction, from which I still benefit today.

Once I learned the fundamentals well, progress was much better.


Neil Templar
20th September 2008, 01:27 PM
thanks Oliver.
i think i'll go ahead and start learning what i can.. until i can find a class that suits my schedule..