View Full Version : a question about visuals (eyes closed and open)

18th September 2008, 05:23 AM
Before I begin my question I want to say I am relatively novice to meditation.

During one meditation session, where I kept my eyes open and gazing for a period of time (about 5-10 minutes) I closed my eyes and suddenly felt the most powerful sensation during mediation I have ever felt. I experienced many of the projection symptoms I read about in your Astral Dynamics book, including a ringing in my ear, stimulated heart rate and a feeling that I was quickly rushing upward. I reclaimed my physical conciousness quickly not knowing what had happened, or expecting it to happen, to say the least. I was thrilled at the experience though, since OBE has been a keen interest of mine for a while. This experience occured while I was reclining in a chair, not fully supine nor fully sitting up.

Ever since that experience I have seen an "eye" in my vision. I have seen it everyday for about 4 months now. At first when I saw it I thought I was losing it. I had and have been going through a period of developing new belief systems and I felt strung out emotionally. I sarcastically thought, "great, now I see an eye blatantly on the wall with my eyes open." I thought I had a floater in my eye or had accidently poked my eye or something of the like. However, I continued to see the eye constantly. I would see it in the most innapropriate times. I compete in grappling sports and sometimes I would squint my eyes when exerting myself heavily and see it blatantly, in the middle of training. Seeing it during a time when I was so focused on something so physical really caught my attention. I have seen dozens of different eye symbols, I draw them all for record. I then see these same symbols on metaphysical archives online, with no previous awareness of them. I don't feel scared of the visuals, nor do I really want them to go away because it nows feels like an inate part of me, but I have little idea what this is. To repeat myself I see the eye whether my eyes are open or closed, although I see it in better contrast and frequency when my eyes are closed. I could write a whole book of other strange experiences I have had but I tried to keep this relatively concise as I could so I could hopefully get a response. I haven't told anyone about this and feel that I have to get through these questions myself but maybe you could shed some light over a path.

I would be very grateful if you had any insight onto this. I read your Psychic Self Defense book and am currently reading Astral Dynamics, I really enjoy them and find them helpful.

Robert Bruce
23rd March 2009, 06:29 AM

Interesting phenomenon.

I do not see or sense any threat here.

Archetypical images of eyes.

I suggest you use affirmations and prayer to try to get an explanation.

However, the only thing I can relate to this is the vision stream, where persons are shown streams of images. What is needed here is to silently identify each image, eg, 'cat, dog, tree, beach, etc'

I think this is a program of the collective consciousness that trains those with clairvoyant ability, visual, to identify energy. This is like learning an alphabet, so communication can be achieved.

In this sense, I suggest you speak and identify what you are seeing.

This should help.
