View Full Version : Your thoughts on Higher Self/Simultaneous reincarnations

15th September 2008, 01:47 AM

What have you discovered regarding your Higher Self, in other words, what are your views on this concept. I have had one intense experience in which I consciously connected with my Higher Self while out of body. Have you had any experiences such as this? Robert Monroe had many, but I have never read of yours.

Also, what are your views on simultaneous reincarnation? Seems to make a lot of sense to me...

Robert Bruce
23rd March 2009, 06:19 AM

Your higher self is you.

You / your higher self / Source

A gradient

your higher self is more receptive and proactive in the astral and dream states. This is how commands like 'give me light' or 'clarity, now' work.

I have written on this in the new edition of Astral Dynamics.

As for simultaneous reincarnations.... If all is one, then this is a given. But as far as reincarnation is concerned, the jury is still out and I am awaiting data. There is a lot of evidence for and against this. As said, need more data.
