View Full Version : Vibeing out from the back of the head at the top of the neck

Aunt Clair
11th September 2008, 10:58 PM
I had gone to sleep early in the evening and was woken suddenly by noise in the street . I felt a vibration just like the one in the lower legs before OBE from the Earth except this was in the back of the head from ear to ear and just above the neck in a crescent shape. I came out of body from behind the head and popped up suddenly . I was in bi location feeling anchored into the body but seeing the projection clearly also like when in mystic projection from meditative trance .But the projection was larger , heavier and weak .

I found self lying on the top of the canopy over my bead . My energy body was like a white square to rectangular mass with a human head . I sort of looked like a
kite or a playing card person such as those on Alice and Wonderland .

I tried to lift up higher and leave the house but I could not so I tried to re enter the body and attempt to project again in that manner . As I entered the body I was thrown out by
the vibes which were still present . It seems to me that it was like two different polarities . By that I mean that my body did not feel like it was still vibing but when the energy body tried to re enter the vibes were instant like two magnets repelling each other and the vibes resumed .

So I played with this experimenting and found that I could not re enter from that spot until the body settled down and was "neutral " again which must have occurred after I began to fall asleep again .

Hermetically , the body is felt to be neutral or at rest in a dual gender state of electric and magnetic ,in balance . But when a stone becomes one polarity then the energy
body is easily ejected . When we project from the body in a full OBE from the Earth STone we often feel the vibes in the legs building up to the belly and then we lift off . The vibes are not always a symptom of OBE though a smaller lighter projection such as the projection of the seed of light or a mental body will not cause vibes .

11th September 2008, 11:27 PM
Fascinating. Once or twice (not for a long time, though) I've attempted to reenter my body only to find that it 'slipped out'. I wonder if that's what happened then.
Really really interesting.