View Full Version : speechless false awakening

10th September 2008, 02:08 AM
hey people, i had a strange dream this morning, which i wanted to share with you.

After about 3 different dreams, i eventually felt like i'm waking up, but still wanted to stay in bed, since there was no reason for me to wake up early.
Instead of going into another dream though, once again i felt the vibrations, i felt my body going numb and simultaneously i felt myself sinking into my bed and once my body went completely numb, i was rising upwards. It all happened very quickly, but then, for some reason it died down. so i opened my eyes, i got up from my bed, trying to recollect what's just happened. then, before jumping back into bed, i tried to clear my throat, but it didn't come to me that easily - i realized that i cannot speak! i could whisper with great difficulty and that was about the only sound i could produce. eventually i panicked and tried to scream. At this point i got up for the second time... this time for "real". It was very strange, i've had false awakenings before, but this was different, it was much more realistic than any of my previous experiences. Could this be a projection? if yes, what made it difficult for me to speak?

thanks for reading!

10th September 2008, 02:39 AM
Sounds like a projection to me.
...and the obvious answer would be-you didn't have a mouth.
When you project you don't talk, you think you do, but when you communicate you do so by telepathy. It's just that if you're not thinking about it you interpret it as regular speech.
But since you were alone, you tried to talk, and possibly because the proximity to your body, had a moment of 'dual input', and your physical mouth being asleep, tried to open the wrong one.
Anyway, that's what I'm thinking.

Paul H.
10th September 2008, 02:45 AM
Maybe if one is having an astral projection experience, one should try to speak telepathically rather than physically. By trying to physically speak, that may have the same affect as moving part of the physical body (which may wake it up from sleep and end the projection experience).

You said that you tried to clear your throat, speak and then scream. To me these actions will stimulate the physical body instead of allowing the astral body to communicate.

10th September 2008, 05:25 AM
thanks for your replies.

CFT, i actually didn't take notice of whether i did have a mouth or i didn't, but you could quite possibly be right! I didn't think of it until now...

Paul, indeed these action did stimulate my physical body, that is why i woke up shortly after

It all didn't seem like a regular projection to me though, nor it felt like a lucid dream. I was kind of disappointed that i've just missed an opportinity and i was behaving like everything was normal, until i tried to use my voice. Maybe it was the setting (my bedroom/the place where i slept) which made me think that it wasn't a projection.

Well... It appears that i've 2 projections in the past 2 weeks... thats a record