View Full Version : Coins

9th September 2008, 08:22 AM
I remember a dream snippet that went at this:

I guess I thought I had not enough money. But then I looked into the change department of my purse and pulled more and more two-Euro-coins out of it. I think someone said "See, you have it after all." It was quite an amount of coins (I checked my purse and saw that I must have dreamed it - no pile of coins in there :lol: ).

So, I looked it up - maybe I am on the road to riches?


To see coins in your dream, indicates missed or overlooked opportunities that come your way. To see gold coins in your dream, represent success and wealth. Silver coins represents spirituality, values, and your self-worth. (from: http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/c3.htm)

Guess "I have it" after all. :shock: (Maybe I am also missing out on some golden opportunities that come my way... :? )

BTW, this is what the one and two Euro coins look like:



9th September 2008, 09:53 AM
I think the 2s in the dream have more significance than you gave them. I finally figured out, after years of seeing 22 everywhere, that it was a message telling me that I could/should manifest material things.

Money, money, money. :lol: Get to work on that, would ya? :mrgreen:

Speaking of material things... I had a dream last night that I was in a fabric store shopping for material.

9th September 2008, 10:22 AM
Speaking of material things... I had a dream last night that I was in a fabric store shopping for material.
Does this mean you are a "material girl"? ;)


9th September 2008, 11:07 AM
and it's a material world. :roll: :D

9th September 2008, 11:40 AM
Money, money, money.
Must be funny, in the rich man's world.

(You don't get much more Euro than Abba, do you? What? Stop looking at me like that.)

9th September 2008, 01:10 PM
When you're all rich, remember me, will ya?
Seriously, to me money means security.

9th September 2008, 01:15 PM
Seriously, to me money means security.

How telling. ;) For me, too. :)


9th September 2008, 01:38 PM
Most of us see money that way, I think.

On a serious note, if I had a dream like that, I'd be thrilled and take it as a very good sign of abundance. You may think you haven't got "enough" but you always have more than you thought you did...

2nd October 2008, 08:25 AM
If I amy chip in yet again today, I've also had recent dreams about coins, silver ones - in the first dream I swallowed a coin, the second I found I had one in my purse after thinking I had nothing, & the third was given to me by an old friend.

I've been too busy to write on the forum lately & just check in occasionally, now I see alll sorts of dreams you've all been having that are very similar to ones I've been having. . .odd??

2nd October 2008, 04:37 PM
When you're all rich, remember me, will ya?
Seriously, to me money means security.

This. Most of my drive for the acquisition of wealth has been from a desire for security. I'm always thinking "Okay, once I make this much I shouldn't have to worry anymore."

14th October 2008, 07:48 PM
I've been too busy to write on the forum lately & just check in occasionally, now I see alll sorts of dreams you've all been having that are very similar to ones I've been having. . .odd??

Things like that don't seem odd to me anymore. There have been times when I felt like this forums react to me. Something I read one day I need the next day to help someone out or to understand something new. Maybe you're "attuning" to AD? :)
