View Full Version : I had a dream... strange I wanna know if this is possible...

8th September 2008, 10:20 PM
Well Hi my first time here, normally I dont remeber dreams that good as I did on this one.

After I had the dream I woke up, I was not with distress after the dream but with desire to do something helping the event with my light and love.

I asked the guides and they told me that this was a dream left by the brothers to ask for good vibrations for humanity and Earth in general. Its related to the event of october 14, the great sighting confirmed by a firend and his contacts, my contacts also smiled a lot but say nothing about that, that I had to wait and see what happen was their response, and also they say like my friend contacts, that we are going to see starfleet of their ships on big cities, well, my friend only asked about that encounter, my contacts where more general.

Well my dream now.

"I was standing in a big airport, I was there after I arrived from my country to see the brothers ships. As I was with people I knew in the dream (they where closed friends but I dont know that people) I was seeing that militar staff was landing lots of nuclear missiles, lots of them in speciall trucks. I saw people running in the airport and I had the feeling of the pannic of the people of the city. I got mad when "I knew" that militars where going to shot the weapons to the brother ship with all the people inside the city, it was horrible.
After some moments, I felt in me a "click" in myself, and for no reason I said something like "let transform myself now" and so I started to vibe at a high vibe (redundant I know) and suddenly my body dissappear and I saw myself as a light beeing and I felt powerfull but not in the way of using that for evil but to use it to help stop that crazyness.
I woke up at that moment."

Anyone alse having dreamings like that one? I was asking to have dreams regarding 14 october event and remember them but never thought it was going to be possible.

Thanks, for reading, what I need to know if this is a dream like my guides say, I trust them and they never lied to me ever but is so unbelievable....