View Full Version : Need Help....Lost Physical Body

6th September 2008, 11:58 PM
I'm not sure how this is supposed to work. I'm not good at doing "OBE" and I have only been able to do it two times for very short times. I however know someone who astrial projects often. So I have a few questions.

1) My friend can get into my partners physical body. (Switch bodies) And it kinda freaks me out. I asked someone about it and they said if you let someone into you that things could go horribly wrong.
Is that true?

2) How do you find your body if you can't jump back. A friend of mine was in a plane crash and directly after the plane crashed into the ocean he jumped into my parteners body to let me know. Since that day he can't find himself. He's been searching for himself yet he can't find it. My first though was that he was dead but he said he wouldn't be able to "feel" certain things. And he can "feel" very well. He just can't find his physical body.

So How can He find himself. He's tried saying "i want to go back to my body," he's tried everything he could think of. We need help getting him back to his own body.

Please let me know the answers asap. I would greatly appreciate it. I'm mega worried that He can't find himself. :cry:

Robert Bruce
11th February 2009, 06:38 PM

While this is possible, it is unwise to give permission to any person, or entity, to enter your body. If this happens, permission should be revoked with clear affirmations.

If this happens to you against your will, use your imagination to fill your body space with bricks, while affirming that you are 'free and protected'.

I need more information on your friend. Email workshops @ astraldynamics.com with this.

It sounds like your friend died and you are communicating with his spirit.

Most persons who die do not realize they have died. This may be the case.

If you have seen your friend alive and well in the flesh, and you are also communicating with his spirit, you should get them together and try to resolve the problem.

It is possible for a copy of a person to be created during a near death experience, and for this to remain for some time in Real Time astral. Unusual, but possible.
