View Full Version : kundalini dream

5th September 2008, 10:30 AM
I spent the last weekend traveling and in various focus states (ah, planes!) and had an interesting dream.

Several people and I were in a vehicle of some kind, perhaps a boat. A storm was blowing in, and we were on the boat on a lake, watching as the lightning strikes came closer and closer. Eventually the lightning came so close it could have hit us... a massive blueish-white bolt streaked down, so hard that it "blew" us practically out of the boat, we were clinging to the edges as if a strong wind were blowing us out.

As I watched, the lightning bolt stayed "live" and furrowed into the earth, as if grounded there ... it was a long horizontal furrow along the earth, like an open circuit/wire, crackling loudly with electricity. A young woman with long dark hair approached the bottom of the furrow, the "base" of the lightning bolt. I yelled out to caution her to stay away from the lightning in case she got electrocuted, but she ignored me and knelt down, placing her hands close to the "aura" of the bolt. I expected it to electrocute/kill her, but that's not what happened. She put her hands right into the lightning, at the base of the furrow.

The lightning caused her hands to start glowing with blue orbs, and she looked at her hands in awe, as if the lightning had awakened a healing ability in her hands.

I remember my feeling about the lightning of "No! Dangerous!" changing to awe as I saw how it affected her and that it didn't hurt her.

When I woke up and pondered on the dream, intuition was yelling at me that this was a kundalini related dream and an indicator that the door down the pathway to kundalini had now opened for me.
Boat = vehicle = physical body... possibly?
I suppose it's worth mentioning that I'm a young woman with long dark hair.

I hadn't pursued kundalini much; I had a healthy amount of respect and caution about it, but it's an apparent message that I can approach the topic with less concern now.